Disability Activists Protest Holding Paralympic Torch Ceremony At Site of Disability Massacre

…staff were injured by an ex-staff. This worst murder case since the end of World War II horrified people with disabilities around the world and revealed serious discrimination. Has our society geared by and for the non-disabled already forgot that massacre? A media report says that “The torch ceremony will be held at “Yamayuri-en”to demonstrate both nationally and internationally the strong determination for the inclusive society.” However, instit…

Reality Check – Factual Information on Jack Kevorkian from a Surprising Source

…lumnists give us an inaccurate and sanitized account of Jack Kevorkian. Instead, we have to go to humor site – where it can get published only because it runs under the guise of being satire – and fictional. Maybe some of the so-called news media – print, online, etc. – ought to consider running a disclaimer warning people that some of their content might be fictional and they’ll have to sort the fiction from the fact for themselves. That would be…

Testimony opposing Hawaii SB 803

…d that Yagi was trying to end his wife’s suffering: “When I saw it (on the news), I knew exactly what I was hearing,” he said. “We hear it all the time all over the world, rich people, poor people, people in pain, people suffering.” There is no indication that Yagi’s wife wanted to be killed. Or does Mr. Foster believe there should be some sort of law allowing caregivers to order the euthanasia of their spouse or child? In fact, Foster is just doi…

Ron Seigel: “My Confrontation with Kevorkian’s Lawyer”

…gender or sexual orientation. It would also define as hate crimes acts of brutality and cruelty in hospitals and nursing homes. The Bill is called the Shereian Meadows Amendment. Those journalists who are allowed to attend Kevorkian’s press Conferences might well ask him how he stands on this issue of freedom of choice. Readers might want to write or e-mail their Senator, or Representatives, and ask the same. One hopes we will also ask ourselves t…

NDY Submission re: Draft General Comment on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

…ort.pdf [xxvii] Autopsy Cutbacks Reveal “Gray Homicides”: http://canhr.org/newsroom/canhrnewsarchive/2011/NPR20110205.html [xxviii] 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq. [xxix] See e.g., Not Dead Yet et al. brief in Gonzales v. Oregon (http://www.notdeadyet.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/gonzales.html) and Myers v. Schneiderman (http://notdeadyet.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/NY-COA-Amicus-Feb-14-2017.pdf) [xxx] Medical Futility in End-of-Life Care, Id. [xx…