NDY Coleman NM House Judiciary Committee Testimony Opposing HB 47

…blished articles, submitted testimony in legislatures, and provided the day-to-day management an organization requires. I’m not saying this to be “inspirational”, but to make it clear that people like me can and do work, and/or do lots of other worthwhile and fun things, and should not be written off. How Assisted Suicide Laws Endanger People Like Me As a severely disabled person who depends on life-sustaining treatment, I would be able to qualify…

Lisa Blumberg: It’s not end-of-of life care. It’s assisted suicide, and it needs to be stopped

…al immunity to everyone involved in their deaths. Terminology about an “end-of-life option” or “aid in dying,” confusing assisted suicide with palliative care, or soaring rhetoric about choice and self-determination belies the fact that the only course of action facilitated is death. There is a sharp distinction between a patient deciding when not to have life-prolonging treatment — which a patient has every right to do — and a doctor actively and…

Disability Activists Protest Holding Paralympic Torch Ceremony At Site of Disability Massacre

…revealed serious discrimination. Has our society geared by and for the non-disabled already forgot that massacre? A media report says that “The torch ceremony will be held at “Yamayuri-en”to demonstrate both nationally and internationally the strong determination for the inclusive society.” However, institutionalization is totally opposite of the inclusive society and they are the very place that segregates and denies the existence of people with…

BBC Radio: World Have Your Say (Debate – D Coleman, J Kelly, G Eighmey)

…said nobody with a terminal diagnoses can use the law based solely on their-a-I mean, their disability-you must have a terminal diagnosis that two doctors have determined will end your life within six months. It is not targeted in any way toward the disabled, I have been a champion for disabled individuals all my life; I’ve passed legislation when I was a legislator, protecting their rights making sure they have access to all the services that the…

American Medical News – “Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy” (NDY Quoted)

…: The death of pathologist Jack Kevorkian, MD, left many pondering the long-term influence of a highly controversial figure and what role he may have played in transforming the nation’s perception of dying. Some think his aggressive push for physician-assisted suicide forced the medical profession to take a closer look at care of the terminally ill. But others say Dr. Kevorkian lacked a sense of proper medical ethics and that his actions were moti…