Terrie Lincoln: “How I DIDN’T Die”

…ed fighting from day one and never took no for an answer. TV Series and Website Seeking Stories on How We Die A new Website and TV series is looking for first-person stories from patients, their families, loved ones, and doctors about how personal experiences have shaped what we believe about death and dying, and about the decisions we make for ourselves, for loved ones, or for patients at the end of life. The website is: http://how-we-die.org/How…

An additional – and more accessible – copy of the Betancourt ruling

…e-media solutions.” They seem to be serious about that. I know there are quite a number of people who have trouble – or are unable – to access pdf documents. Leagle.com has posted the Appellate Court ruling in Betancourt v. Trinitas in standard html format. It won’t print out looking the same as the published ruling, but the content is all there – easy to access and read….

Final Exit Network Starts Billboard Campaign

…out themselves, as can be seen in this SFGate blog entry: According to its site, FEN provides support, information and counseling, and doesn’t physically help people end their lives. But authorities believe the group played an active role in the death of a cancer-stricken man in Georgia and have charged four network members with assisted suicide, evidence-tampering and racketeering, reports Time. They were indicted by a grand jury in April. Intere…

Next on the Kevorkian Promotional Tour: Larry King Live

…his new and improved “packaging” – continues on CNN. According to the CNN site, he’ll be appearing on Larry King Live on Friday, June 18th. This should be real nausea-inducing. Why would I think that? Well, for starters, Larry is the “King” of softball interviews and it’s why people love to come on his show. They won”t get asked any hard questions and King will treat them with an attitude ranging from warm geniality to open adoration. That’s the…

Ms. Magazine Blogger Praises Kevorkian, Disses People With Disabilities, and Angers Some Feminists With Disabilities

…blog entry on the HBO biopic You Don’t Know Jack that was published on the site of Ms. Magazine. Like most of the bloggers who have reviewed this film, Carol King is a big fan of the movie and of Kevorkian himself. In Kevorkian and the Right to Choose, King explains her close connection to the Kevorkian saga – she was the executive director of the Michigan Abortion Rights Action League, which was right across the street from the office building of…