NDY Submits Public Comment to NY Dept. of Health on Advance Care Planning

…health care proxy, out-of-hospital do not resuscitate order (DNR) and medical orders for life sustaining treatment (MOLST). As I prepared to respond to this request for comment, I happened to describe it to someone I know, a woman in her 50’s who had a hysterectomy a few years ago. She said that she had a DNR. This surprised me in light of other comments she has made, so I asked her if she didn’t want CPR. She said that she would want CPR, and th…

NDY Files Public Comment on Proposed “Public Charge” Rule Change

…e used to bar a newly graduated engineer with spina bifida or another physical limitation from entering or staying in the country because at some point in the future she may apply for a Medicaid waiver to get in-home support so she can work until retirement age.” “For instance, the presence of a medical condition considered ‘likely’ to require extensive medical treatment or institutionalization, or that may interfere with the ability to provide fo…

Federal study finds assisted suicide laws rife with dangers to people with disabilities

…ience, the lives of people with disabilities are routinely devalued in medical decision-making. Negative biases and inaccurate assumptions about disabled people persist. In medical situations, these biases can have serious and even deadly consequences. Beginning on September 25, the National Council on Disability (NCD) is releasing a series of reports on bioethics and disability. The five reports were developed through a cooperative agreement with…

Disability Activists Protest Holding Paralympic Torch Ceremony At Site of Disability Massacre

…f their dignity and human rights in a “detention camp” which can hardly be called a place of living. How can such a place be the origin of the inclusive society? This false way of demonstrating the will for the inclusive society is not only an insult to people with disability in Japan, but also leads to international recognition of Japan as a state which violates human rights, as the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRP…

Donate to Not Dead Yet

…d human resource management. CDR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, legally and financially responsible for all our activities. Donations to CDR are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Your donation to CDR for Not Dead Yet will further the mission and goals of Not Dead Yet. To donate online, please click the donate button below. To donate by mail, please make donations payable to the Center for Disability Rights and state in the memo…