BBC Radio: World Have Your Say (Debate – D Coleman, J Kelly, G Eighmey)

…ion. Emma Wilson-Ok, George, let me pause you there because we’re going to run out of time and I want to give Diane and John a chance. Diane, briefly, what impact has she had? Diane: Well, she’s certainly gotten the debate back in the media but I think it’s important to look beyond the one case, um, because this is really about thousands of people, and, you know, the US department of health and human services says that 1 in 10 elders are abused in…

NDY et al. Amicus Brief in New Mexico Supreme Court in Morris v. Brandenburg

…sted suicide later that very month. Middleton had named Sawyer his estate trustee and put his home in her trust. Two days after Thomas Middleton died, Sawyer listed the property for sale and deposited $90,000 into her own account. It took a federal investigation into real estate fraud to expose this abuse. Sawyer was indicted for first-degree criminal mistreatment and first-degree aggravated theft, partly over criminal mistreatment of Thomas Middl…

John Kelly Reports on Monday’s New Jersey Senate Committee Hearing

The New Jersey state Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee passed its assisted suicide bill, S382, out of committee yesterday, December 15th. Senate President and co-sponsor Steve Sweeney initially said that a full Senate vote would be held on Thursday, the last scheduled full session of the year, but later indicated that the vote would not be called this week. Susan K. Livio of reported that “Sweeney said he and othe…

NDY Press Release: Disability Activists from Not Dead Yet and Other Colorado Organizations to Testify in Opposition to Colorado Assisted Suicide Bill

…n incorrectly diagnosed as terminally ill, when in fact, they have a long fruitful life in front of them.” According to Oregon’s assisted suicide reports, 97.6% of program suicides in Oregon have been white, in a state 22% nonwhite. “Assisted suicide proponents are also overwhelmingly white,” said Anita Cameron, a longtime disability activist, and Not Dead Yet board member. “The Pew Research Center reported in a detailed 2013 study that, while whi…

Testimony of Crosby King in Opposition to Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill

…fered from Lou Gehrig’s disease moved into her home, named her his estate trustee, deeded his home to a trust, and then died by physician-assisted suicide. Two days after Thomas Middleton died, Sawyer listed the property for sale and deposited $90,000 into her own account. It took a federal investigation into real estate fraud to expose this abuse. Oregon’s assisted suicide program never noticed. The state decided in the end not to even prosecute…