Emily Titon Testimony Opposing Rhode Island H 5507

…fund a second opinion. The second psychologist had the same concerns, but ruled that Kate was competent anyway. On the day that she got back from a nursing home stay as respite for her family, Kate offered to take the lethal overdose. Her family facilitated her death that same day. Choosing between a nursing home and a family who sees you as a burden is not a true choice.   There is nothing in this or any other assisted suicide bill that can prot…

NDY Letter to HHS Secretary Burwell: Disability Input Needed on Value Based Payment Systems

…d. If the bottom line is a system that determines value based on “majority rule”, that system will fail to meet the needs of individuals and will violate the core principles of self-determination. Second, there is a risk that definitions of value that have previously been posited by self-appointed “bioethicists” will be foisted upon the stakeholders. Concepts such as “quality adjusted life years” and “disability adjusted life years” inherently dev…

Oral Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…st of the lethal drug for suicide was about $300.00 When assisted suicide drugs cost significantly less than the cost of treating terminal illness, and patients with limited finances are denied other treatment options by their insurance company, they are, in effect, being steered toward Physician assisted death. This is no longer a matter of choice or dignity. We cannot trade the dignity and life of a human being for the bottom line HB 150 is not…

NDY Press Release: Disability Activists Urge Princeton University to Denounce Professor Peter Singer’s Comments, Call for His Resignation

…f disabled infants by arguing in support of “non-voluntary euthanasia” for human beings who Singer contends are not capable of understanding the choice between life and death, including “severely disabled infants, and people who through accident, illness, or old age have permanently lost the capacity to understand the issue involved.” In addition, Not Dead Yet issued a petition to Princeton through change.org. “We understand the importance of acad…

Josue Rodriguez of Tennessee NDY Opposing SB 1362/HB 1040 – Written Testimony

…fund a second opinion. The second psychologist had the same concerns, but ruled that Kate was competent anyway. On the day that she got back from a nursing home stay as respite for her family, Kate offered to take the lethal overdose. Her family facilitated her death that same day. Choosing between a nursing home and a family who sees you as a burden is not a true choice.   There is nothing in this or any other assisted suicide bill that can prot…