Oregon Data Substantiates Critics’ Concerns

…st for a lethal prescription and death. This is on page 13 of the 2018 annual report.[4] In 2018, at least one person lived 807 days; across all years, the longest reported duration between the request for assisted suicide and death was 1009 days. In every year except the first year, the reported upper range is significantly longer than 180 days. The definition of “terminal” in the statute only requires that the doctor predict that the person will…

Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19

…ther rationing, what does Not Dead Yet see as the future? What’s your crystal ball say? Diane Coleman: Well, yeah, obviously as you say, right now we’re very concerned about the rationing and triage issue, and that’s truly a focus. I’m not sure how many legislatures this year are going to be pursuing assisted suicide. My sense is that people are not – they’re more worried about triage. People who have chronic conditions, that even cancer, are more…

NDY Coleman NM House Judiciary Committee Testimony Opposing HB 47

…factors that lead the National Council on Disability in 2019 to issue formal report entitled “The Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws.”[3] What I’ve Learned From the Oregon Assisted Suicide Data Oregon’s assisted suicide law, the oldest in the U.S., is held up as the model for other states. I’ve examined the Oregon state assisted suicide reports from a disability rights perspective, and want to share with you what I’ve learned. One of the most freque…

Lisa Blumberg: It’s not end-of-of life care. It’s assisted suicide, and it needs to be stopped

…suicide, just 4 percent of the people who have used the act were given mental health evaluations. Although the law proposed for Connecticut would mandate that a person receive “counseling” to determine mental status before obtaining lethal drugs, that is just to determine if there is “impaired judgment.” The law also allows for licensed clinical social workers, in addition to psychologists or psychiatrists, to do the mental health consultation. Th…

BBC Radio: World Have Your Say (Debate – D Coleman, J Kelly, G Eighmey)

…n any way toward the disabled, I have been a champion for disabled individuals all my life; I’ve passed legislation when I was a legislator, protecting their rights making sure they have access to all the services that they need, so it is not in any way uh a fear that should be concern-now we have almost 16 years of data showing that that is not the case, that we have not in any way targeted people who use the law do so independently, without coer…