Why Are We Here?

…xit Network no es realmente sobre el “derecho a morir”, se trata de: • Instrucciones y videos en internet de cómo suicidarse • Guías de salida que asisten a los ancianos, enfermos y personas con discapacidad a morir. • Guías de salida que detienen tus brazos hacia abajo para que no retires “accidentalmente” el plástico “Exit bag” después de que el gas que te va a matar empieza a fluir. La Federación Mundial del Derecho a Morir no es realmente sobr…

Italy: Eluana Englaro is Dead – Questions Remain

the Englaro tragedy. Flavia Krause-Jackson and Steve Scherer of Bloomberg News both deserve “credit” (discredit would be more accurate) for filing news stories that inaccurately referred to Englaro as “brain-dead” and “force-fed.” To be fair, it’s possible that maybe Krause-Jackson and Scherer weren’t personally responsible for the repeated use of the term “brain-dead” in article headlines. However, they clearly chose to use the term “force-fed”…

Chicago NDY Confronts Chicago “End of Life” Care Coalition and Barbara Coombs Lee

…cietal message is “so what?” or “who cares?” FINAL EXIT NETWORK In late February, the news broke that a multi-state investigation had resulted in the arrests of four members of the Final Exit Network. These “freelancers” and “worker bees” of the assisted suicide movement claim to have aided the suicides of some 200 individuals – many of them nonterminally ill. Two cases under investigation involve a Georgia man distressed over his appearance after…

Media Alert – Looks Like “Dr. Oz” Is Planning Slanted Show on Assisted Suicide

…cide, Ablow is another media medical expert, most often seen these days on Fox News. His essay following Kevorkian’s death showed no real knowledge of the nonterminal status of Kevorkian’s “clients” or awareness that Kevorkian had a very broad agenda in terms of who should be eligible for his “assistance.” It’s doubtful that Ablow has any real indepth knowledge of the practices, politics and personalities in the assisted suicide debate. Dr. Ira By…

Not Dead Yet in the Smithsonian

This is old news, but good news. On June 25, 2013, a Smithsonian press release announced that: The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will launch “EveryBody: An Artifact History of Disability in America” to explore themes and events related to the history of people with disabilities in the U.S. and offer a new perspective on American history. This online exhibition is a first-of-its-kind image compilation that provides access to ob…