Second Thoughts Connecticut Negotiates POLST/MOLST Legislation With Consumer Protections We Can Live With

…. While the typical advance directive requires some time and thought to apply it to a given situation, POLST/MOLST orders are immediately effective medical directives. We’ve elaborated on our POLST concerns in public comments submitted to the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death. Fortunately, there is now a role model for disability activism on POLST. Second Thoughts Connecticut successfully resisted a 2013 POLST bill in their st…

My Favorite Robin Williams Movie – Awakenings – The One That Always Makes Me Cry

…tal disabilities for over ten years.) At the moment, I was living comfortably, happily and monkishly in the masters program in Special Ed at Syracuse University. I was great with students, clients, and in a structured setting. Anywhere else I was at a total loss. Where am I going with that? Let me put it this way. The teacher who supervised my student teaching had this to say after seeing the movie: “No wonder you liked it. The doctor in it is you…

John Kelly’s Open Letter to the House of Lords on UK Assisted Suicide Bill

…munity, everyone knows people who have been labeled ‘terminal,’ it’s actually a bit of a joke. One Second Thoughts membersays that he would certainly have used assisted suicide after his diagnosis with ALS (motor neuron disease) in 1956. He is now glad it wasn’t available, because he got the opportunity to live the 60 years to the present, as his condition stabilized on its own. Austerity is the catchphrase in both the US and the UK, so the media…

NDY Articles and Letters Published in NJ Press Kick Butt

…ng voluntarily.” What he doesn’t mention is that the witnesses don’t actually have to know you, but can simply verify your I.D. How does a stranger know if you are being coerced behind closed doors? Mr. Amick also says that the doctor writes “a prescription for a lethal dose of barbiturates for the patient to self-administer when — and if — he or she decided to do so.” But the bill doesn’t have any safeguards after the doctor writes the lethal pre…

Disability Rights Leadership Institute on Bioethics: Advancing the Disability Rights Perspective on Bioethics Issues

…rrent discussion groups (four in total) led by experts who could have readily presented fully on the topics, but gave their time to facilitate valuable dialogue that elicited experiences, insights, ideas and strategies from all DRLIB participants. Advocacy & Media – Marilyn Golden, Ari Ne’eman and Diane Coleman Fighting the Bioethics War – William Peace (Syracuse University Jeannette Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor), Joseph Stramondo (PhD…