Not Dead Yet’s articles

…l you are is disabled by Emily Wolinsky (, 05/18/17) On Fear and Humanity in the Trump Era by Bill Peace (Bad Cripple blog, 03/17/17) Stagnation and Lives Worth Living by Bill Peace (Bad Cripple blog, 02/02/17) 2016 People of the Year: The Resisters by Josie Byzek (New Mobility, 01/01/17) Nancy Mairs and Cripple Swagger by Bill Peace (Bad Cripple blog, 12/29/17) Québec euthanasia report: 14% non compliance rate with the law by Amy Hasbro…

Press Release: Legislative Committee Does An End Run Around Disability Advocates

…s being railroaded through the Nevada legislature in a manner that appears designed to exclude the voices of people with disabilities, people put most at risk if this bill passes. The assisted suicide bill was added to today’s Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing agenda at the last minute this morning. “The legislature has just engaged in a blatant act of discrimination on the basis of disability for hearing the Physician Assisted Su…

Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will

…gainst these dangerous bills a seamless part of my beliefs and actions for human rights. “My life, my death, my choice,” the slogan of Compassion and Choices, found its way to a sign at a Trump supporters’ super-spreader event last year, which is not surprising, since the implication is that individual behavior has no impact on the lives of others. While it may provide an individual “choice” for a select few, among its many evils, the legalization…

Great Op-Ed By NDY UK Founder Baroness Jane Campbell

…We don’t want the special treatment of an assisted suicide. We want basic human rights to live with dignity and respect so we can enjoy life. With the right support, most of us are pretty good at it. Covid-19 has been described as “this generation’s polio”. Its effects have been felt by everyone and, for many, it has had life-changing consequences. According to the latest figures, disabled people make up 59% of all COVID-19 related deaths. In mee…

Lisa Blumberg: The Little Known Issue of Medical Deportations by Hospitals

…ts and fellow advocates dealing with the issue of medical deportation. Instructions on how to join is given in the report. This is an emerging issue. Endnote: [i] Fatal Flights: Medical Deportation In the U.S., page 4; And see, John Henning Schumann, When the Cost of Care Triggers a Medical Deportation, NPR (Apr. 9, 2016, 7:00 AM),  …