More on Betancourt

…ding links to other amicus briefs, the best resource I’ve found is the Medical Futility Blog by Thaddeus Mason Pope. Pope disagrees with NDY on a significant number of issues, but he’s an impressive researcher who has posted links to research and news coverage that I’ve found valuable. He also seems to make an honest attempt to be a fair reporter on issues he highlights on his blog, while making his own perspective clear (I do think he falls short…

Followup on Princetonian – and more thoughts from Bill Peace and Gary Presley

…matory remarks about NDY. The online article has been revised. The article also carries an Editor’s note at the end of the article, which we’re told was published in today’s print edition of the Princetonian: Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this article inaccurately referred to protests organized by Not Dead Yet and held at Nassau Hall in September 1999 as violent. Diane Coleman, president of Not Dead Yet, also told The Daily Prince…

Time Magazine Article Misrepresents Final Exit Network and Who They “Help”

…out factual inaccuracy. They sure make the process hard enough. I ended up calling the main switchboard and using the voice directory, connected with editor Richard Stengel’s office (his was the only name I knew). His secretary was helpful, especially when she found out I was quoted in the story. I emailed her the message below, which she informed me was forwarded to an appropriate staffer. I’ve made slight edits (e.g. omitting the final exit netw…

Disability Activists “Greet” Euthanasia Activist in San Francisco

…ter and I continue to relaxedly leaflet newcomers outside the building and calmly discuss with those who were interested, our deep concerns with Nitschke and Exit International. (Several of them commented that these discussions were interesting and enlightening.) When it came time to go in to hear the program, Walter and I were actually refused entry to this presumably public event (we were actually physically resisted and barred from entering) an…

A Disability Perspective on the Issue of Physician Assisted Suicide – Disability and Health Journal

…f them – is to support assisted suicide to the hilt. Or, as they prefer to call it in Oregon, “patient-directed dying” or “physician aid-in-dying”. Rather than worrying about some ambiguous language in the Obama administration’s health reform legislation or scrutinising the publications of his health advisors for a few indiscreet phrases, the elderly and their relatives ought to be worried about the 30,000 members of the APHA. They are the ones wh…