A Disability Perspective on the Issue of Physician Assisted Suicide – Disability and Health Journal

…f them – is to support assisted suicide to the hilt. Or, as they prefer to call it in Oregon, “patient-directed dying” or “physician aid-in-dying”. Rather than worrying about some ambiguous language in the Obama administration’s health reform legislation or scrutinising the publications of his health advisors for a few indiscreet phrases, the elderly and their relatives ought to be worried about the 30,000 members of the APHA. They are the ones wh…

Testimony of Karen Scheiderman – MA Assisted Suicide Hearing

…n with – Spina Bifida – the second most common genetic disability. The medical profession has at times been both a friend and an enemy to me, saving my life at birth and experimenting on me later in life. This profession is a profit-driven institution that makes decisions based on financial as well as medical issues and were I to be in a situation where I were so sick that it became financially burdensome to the State, I suspect many physicians wo…

HBO Is Making Sure We Don’t Know Jack About Jack Kevorkian

…of Kevorkian’s body count consisted of women with nonterminal chronic medical conditions or disabilities. Here’s a synopsis of what the reporters at the Detroit Free Press found: Counseling is often limited to phone calls and brief meetings that include family members and friends. There was no psychiatric exam in at least 19 Kevorkian suicides, including several in which friends or family had responded that the patient was despondent over matters…

The “Right to Die” Expands Into New Territory

…enalty over Johnson’s wishes – and contrary to the legal judgment of the local defense. It gets a little complicated and you can read the whole story here. It’s worth noting that the “D” word – “dignity” comes into play as well, in this criticism from the local defense counsel: “What they are really doing is basically being very disrespectful to his dignity by trying to draw this out,” he said. “While I don’t agree with the decision, I think they…

Three recommended reads: Bill Peace on “Ashley and Me,” L Syd M Johnson critque of Jacob Appel on PVS and April Michelle Herndon on the “Magic Pill” Question

…th this bioethics entity have been both cordial – and very limited. Periodically, the Center seems to take an interest in hearing something from disability advocates and activists, but after they’ve engaged in a small token effort, move on and appear to be pretty much oblivious until the next time they do a token event/seminar/workshop. Nevertheless, I go back periodically to the online Bioethics Forum, because I occasionally find articles on that…