Terrie Lincoln: “How I DIDN’T Die”

…titled “Stories,” is being developed by Marc N. Weiss, creator of the long-running PBS series P.O.V. and Tom Yellin, a veteran network news and public affairs producer. The series will explore experiences that tested or challenged their values and beliefs about who decides when and how we die, and what role, if any, government and healthcare institutions should play in those decisions. Visit the site and submit your story!http://how-we-die.org/How…

Steven Salmon: Wisconsin budget cuts will hurt the disabled

…court, a Tea Party/Libertarian Republican. Consistent with his view of the world, he has contempt for the “Nanny” government – we can guess that includes supports like Medicaid. We also know that his libertarian response to people who are suicidal is that the government should – intervene in those cases, to make sure that a botched suicide doesn’t cost the state more money. If that seems harsh, we’ve seen it play out before. Disability activist an…

Reality Check – Factual Information on Jack Kevorkian from a Surprising Source

…lumnists give us an inaccurate and sanitized account of Jack Kevorkian. Instead, we have to go to humor site – where it can get published only because it runs under the guise of being satire – and fictional. Maybe some of the so-called news media – print, online, etc. – ought to consider running a disclaimer warning people that some of their content might be fictional and they’ll have to sort the fiction from the fact for themselves. That would be…

Belgium: “Double Euthanasia” of Deaf Twins Losing Vision and Reactions from a Deaf-Blind Blogger

…c is tragically urgent, something has to be addressed and discussed in the worldwide Deafblind community. Two twins, both Deaf men, from Putte, Belgium (30 miles from Brussels) won the legal right to be euthanized (put to death legally by Belgian doctors) after citing their unbearable burden of going blind. The Bangkok Post reported this and it became widespread, and then a French Belgian newspaper L’Avenir.net made their rounds about this story….

Opening Salvo on New York’s 2018 Assisted Suicide Bill

…is using crutches. The other man holds a sign which says “Assisted Suicide World’s Cheapest Healthcare”. Local television news covered the press conference and protest, and included brief interviews with Kathryn Carroll (pictured above) and Gregg Beratan, who are from the Center for Disability Rights (CDR), in the news video. CDR’s policy position on the issue is here. The Staten Island Advance also covered the story in Should terminally ill in N….