Cathy Ludlum: “We will be the collateral damage” of assisted suicide

…astation he would face as a result of this pressure sore: loss of job, bankruptcy, at least six months and probably more than a year in bed, and complete dependence on others, most likely in a nursing home. The doctor offered Bill the choice of refusing antibiotics, promising to make him “comfortable.” Bill refused. Many of those terrible things did happen, but eventually Bill recovered and resumed his life as a college professor. Assisted suicide…

Update: Minnesota Hospital Agrees to Continue Oxygen for Catie

…will be honored,” said Life Legal Executive Director Alexandra Snyder. “It is time for us to have a larger conversation about the inherent value of every human life and about our moral obligation to protect those who are most vulnerable.”…

Stephanie Woodward Will Represent NDY and ADAPT at Albany Press Conference

…T, a national grass-roots community that organizes to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. Stephanie has been arrested multiple times while advocating for Disability Rights. While Stephanie’s work spans across all areas of Disability Rights, she is particularly interested in deinstitutionalization, community living, ending violence against people with disabilities, and improving access in the community….

Anita Cameron: Not Dead Yet Supports the Disability Integration Act 

…ubcommittees of jurisdiction. Over 850 national, state and local civil and human rights, faith based, justice reform, housing and disability organizations support this bipartisan, bicameral legislation. The bill has more than the 218 required cosponsors in the House, per the rules set forth by House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Despite this, the Disability Integration Act has been blocked by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Chair of the Energy and Commerce Co…

Health Justice Commons Launches Medical Abuse Hotline In Honor of Carrie Ann Lucas

…ining medication is medical torture. It profoundly violates our most basic human rights and dignity. Withholding access to healthcare is one of the most prevalent and pervasive forms of social control of our times. . . . “Share Your Solidarity Story. Help transform US healthcare. “To honor Carrie Ann’s legacy, we’re launching a national Medical Abuse Hotline to expose how common medical abuse truly is, hold health insurers and institutions account…