Disability Rights Community Responds to the Tucker Hire

…York State (CDRNYS) • Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center – Tim Fox and Amy Robertson (CREEC) • Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) – Lillibeth Navarro, Executive Director • Community Access Project, Massachusetts • Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) • Duane French, a founding member of the Alaska and Washington Chapters of Not Dead Yet • Steve Gold, Attorney • Independent Living Center of Southern Cal…

Georgia NDY/Disability Activist on Fox5 Coverage in Atlanta – Final Exit Network

…ate causing fingers to contract permanently. CMT sufferers also undergo excruciating pain. “Sometimes it’s a burning neurological pain like boiling hot water is running through my nerves,” Kurt, who asked that only his first name be used. CMT is not fatal, but Kurt suffers from a rare form of the disease that causes severe respiratory problems which can make breathing feel more like suffocating. Kurt said he didn’t want to grow old with the diseas…

Is a Coalition Possible? – The Jury is Still Out

…t exist as our opponents. You can’t blame it on a “liberal press” either – Fox News was as guilty as anyone else in terms of pretending we didn’t exist. The outcome of that exclusion, of course, is harmful to the issue this conference is supposed to address. The American public remembers the Schiavo struggle as a chapter in the “culture wars.” And to the extent that we’re remembered at all, there’s a vague notion that we were “tools” of the religi…

Terri Schiavo, Family Guy, Family Research Council – and a Reality Check

…. If they’d made a habit of mentioning that, it would have been harder for news organizations – Fox, MSNBC, CNN, the networks, etc. to pretend this was all just one more battle in the “culture wars.” Unfortunately, framing the fight in terms of the culture wars suited “handlers” like Father Frank Pavone and Randall Terry just fine. I wish I could say that I have any evidence that the Schindlers have any better understanding of the disability right…

Advisory: Disability Rights Advocates Opposing Assisted Suicide Available for Interviews

…ector of the Disability Policy Consortium (DPC), says: “Until we live in a world where free, high-quality health care and personal care assistants (PCA) services are available to everyone, where ableist stigma didn’t tell people with disabilities that their lives don’t have value, we must not pass this law.” DPC Director of Advocacy Harry Weissman will attend and be available to speak with the media. Kelly notes that all the leading national disab…