Criste Reimer’s Death Not About Health Care Debt or Compassion

…s ago in the coverage of the murder of Shirley Harrison. It turns out that mutual suicide pacts and motivations of real compassion are rare in such murders or murder/suicides. Julie E. Malphurs and Donna Cohen have conducted several studies on this increasing type of domestic violence. Donna Cohen, in a media release from Carers New Zealand, shared some of the research findings: “These are not acts of love. They are not compassionate homicides. Th…

Denounce Lethal Anti-Disability Healthcare Policy Advocated by Peter Singer (

…before the ACA came into being). Now he is advocating that both government run healthcare and private insurance can and should deny care to some people based on real or alleged cognitive and/or physical disabilities for economic reasons. For those who may worry that Singer’s words deserve the protection of academic freedom, Princeton’s own policy on Respect for Others strikes a balance which the University has sadly ignored: “As an intellectual co…

John Kelly: Movies Can Send A Dangerous Message About Suicide and Disability

…Stadium 13. Not to worry, it’s my choice, and neither fantastic wealth nor mutual love with a beautiful woman dissuade me. This is the outline of the movie Me Before You, in which the audience gets plenty of laughs along the way as I—in the movie, my name is Will (Sam Claflin)—teach Louisa (Emilia Clarke), hired by my parents to cheer me up, to love life and soon enough, to love me. And when I/Will stay true to my desire to die, audiences have a g…

Disability Rights Leadership Institute on Bioethics: Advancing the Disability Rights Perspective on Bioethics Issues

…lunch and a wonderful keynote by Liz Carr, a disabled comedian, actor in a BBC drama series, and NDY activist from the United Kingdom. Liz described her ‘hobby’ as “working with Not Dead Yet UK to fight against the further legalisation of assisted suicide.” It would be impossible to capture how entertaining Liz was in the text of a blog, but just to give you an idea from her remarks: I’m currently writing ‘Assisted Suicide – The Musical’. This sho…

Denver Post Article Blames “Autism” for Parents Killing Kids – Dick Sobsey Responds

…le by Nancy Lofholm titled Autism’s terrible toll: Parents risk hitting a “breaking point.” In the context of this article “hitting a breaking point” means “murdering your child.” Your autistic child: Jacob Grabe, 13, could sense a storm coming several days out. He would get agitated and make strange noises. Silverware bothered him. He could eat only from plastic forks and spoons. He breezed through complicated algebra but struggled with basic div…