RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

…e with the disabled individual and family supporting assisted suicide, which was not comparably sought or obtained from a disabled individual and family opposing assisted suicide. Ne’eman was also given the opportunity to speak during the two-hour taping. His comments were not included in the final one hour broadcast, but were included in two online video segments (part 1, part 2). Ne’eman was also invited to submit a written article on the topic…

Canadian Assisted Suicide Case Sparks Dueling Letters on Disability

…ng. What parts of his body that are left, reside in a wheelchair. This once-active man in his 90s now resides in a body that is self-destructing in a painful manner. My dad has no quality of life, only a hope that the next day will not be as painful as the last. My friend is still practising her profession, despite the advanced ALS that has a hold on her. She has made arrangements for a death with dignity in a far more compassionate country. Her a…

Time Magazine – Sloppy and Inaccurate Kevorkian Obit Written by News Director in “Person of the Year” Issue

…on Kevorkian clients conducted by Julie Malphurs and Donna J Cohen. The All-Too-Familiar-Story – published in 2001, it discusses how the press repeatedly “discovers” that most of Kevorkian’s clients weren’t terminally ill, then forgets about it so that it “discovers” it again a few years later. Turns out, like a great number of media people, Mr. Chua-Eoan is on twitter. It’s a great new tool, IMO. Many activists and advocates already know from pas…

Disability Activists, Advocates and Others Pile on Time Magazine’s Error-Filled Kevorkian Tribute

…women like Sherry Miller, who didn’t get the same suicide prevention a non-disabled woman would have a right to expect. The press who helped Kevorkian get away with it, by combining anti-disability bias with laziness in reporting about his “crusade”, should be ashamed. Kendall Corbett, a disability advocate from Wyoming. Kendall is a disability advocate and a fellow “first generation” shunt recipient for childhood hydrocephalus. We met each other…

Organ Procurement Guidelines, Health Care Decisions and People With Disabilities

…on of their organs for transplant, necessarily entailing withdrawal of life-support and their deaths, the proposal singles out a class of persons, disabled under federal civil rights law, for adverse treatment. This constitutes discrimination. Another goal of the proposed changes is “to maximize the number of donors and transplants by identifying the currently unrealized donor potential through the clarifying and updating of language.” To that end…