Face To Face: Challenging the “Better Dead Than Disabled” Message

…in the expression “Live on” near the end of the video. DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR VIDEOS TO YOUTUBE. Put the videos in Dropbox or use Google Drive to send the videos in .mov or .mp4 format. Please send all videos to: liveonprojectcdr@gmail.com *** The Canadian Project is well underway already, led by Catherine Frazee and others. As reported in New Mobility, Project Value Asserts Disability Is Not Worse Than Death: A group of Canadians are out to testify…

More on Double Euthanasia in Belgium, National Federation of the Blind Reacts, and Other Suicides in the News

…bsey) about the myths surrounding the “kindness” of pet euthanasia. What struck me this time was an even deeper disconnect. Anyone who spends a lot of time on the internet knows that cats are probably the most popular thing in existence. Some of the most popular pictures/videos of cats involve disabled cats – and dogs. Right now, the most popular cat on the internet seems to be Oskar the Blind Cat:   If you look around, you’ll find stories of a de…

BBC World Service – Liz Carr Presents Part 1 of “Euthanasia Road Trip” Documentary

…asia Road Trip.” Part 1 has aired and is available to listen to on the BBC World Service site. Here’s how the site describes the documentary: The debate over assisted suicide and euthanasia is a passionate one. But as the discussions continue to rage around the world, there are a few places where assisted death is already legal. Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Oregon and Washington States in the US all have laws permitting a…

John Kelly and Alex Schadenberg on Radio Sputnik Radio’s “Brave New World”

…Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, were guests on “Brave New World,” a show on Radio Sputnik. Also on the show was Gert Huysmans, the President of the Federation of Palliative care of Flanders (Belgium). John Harrison is the host of the show. According to John Kelly, this show was better venue than he is used to – venues in which news hosts are often openly hostile to any opponent of legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. John sa…

Sad news – writer/speaker/lawyer/activist Harriet McBryde Johnson has passed away

…et president and founder Diane Coleman wrote the following to some friends today when she heard the news: Dear friends, I just learned through another email list that Harriet McBryde Johnson passed away last night. This is a terrible shock. Harriet and I shared so much, spinal muscular atrophy, being attorneys (she with an active practice), work against euthanasia. She has been a sister in the struggle. Beyond perhaps all others in our movement, h…