Delaware House Passes Nonbinding Resolution on Protecting People with Cognitive Disabilities from Medical Killing

…HO ARE OTHEREWISE MENTALLY DISABLED. WHEREAS, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts that “everyone has the right to recognition as a person before the law” and that “all are equal before the law”; and WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act clearly identifies the rights of the disabled to access essential needs and have essential services provided to them; and WHEREAS, it is becoming increasingly apparent that persons who are suff…

Actor/Activist Martin Sheen Voices Opposition to Assisted Suicide in Washington State

…ion. People who are ill need real medical care and compassion, not lethal drugs. Again, I’m Martin Sheen urging you to vote “no” on Initiative 1000 and thank you. This isn’t the first time that Sheen has lent his voice – or his signature – in opposing the promotion of assisted suicide and/or euthanasia. In 2000, he was one of many prominent human rights activists to sign onto a response to the “Citizen Activist” award given to Jack Kevorkian by th…

U.K. Article on Consciousness Research Contains Bombshell “Accusation”

…ly member). The pressure surrounding organ harvesting was a factor in the gruesome death of Ruben Navarro. Organ donation has also been an element of more than one “rush to judgment” case – or, as doctors prefer to call them “miracle recoveries” – more on this topic here and here. Whether or not the sentiments expressed by Laureys are true – and I suspect that there are large numbers of ethicists and physicians who would deny that it’s the case –…

Washington Post: Saletan on “Redefining Life and Death”

…already impacting life and death decisions. What evidence? How about the gruesome death of Ruben Navarro? How about the ethical pitfalls (Navarro being an example) of non heart-beating donations? Zack Dunlap, declared “brain dead,” prepared for organ harvesting, who “miraculously” woke up. The rash of “rush to judgment” cases over the past two years. It’s good to see Saletan turning his attention this way. He’s a thoughtful analyst that isn’t som…

New Jersey/Futility: Oral Arguments in Betancourt v. Trinitas (Appellate Court)

…five extensive and thoughtful precedent cases of our Supreme Court. It’s true that the cases — Quinlan, Conroy, Farrell, Peter, and Jobes — all dealt with patients or family members who were seeking to stop medical intervention which was prolonging life. The doctors were either acquiescent or desirous to continue treating. None of those cases had the patient or the patient’s surrogate decisionmaker wanting to go on and the doctors saying, “stop.”…