John Kelly’s Full Written Testimony In Opposition to New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill

…approve of laws that would allow a physician to prescribe lethal doses of drugs that a terminally ill patient could use to commit suicide.” Physicians for Compassionate Care, “Five Oregonians to Remember.” Portland Tribune, “Another Case for Nursing Reform.” July 9, 2007 YouTube, “Ba…

Center for Disability Rights Creates PSA on Assisted Suicide in Response to Me Before You

…counter the message that disabled lives are not worth living, the PSA and worldwide protests of the film are attempting to educate the public about the truth about disability. Everyone, whether they have a disability or not, is encouraged to stop accepting such harmful portrayals of disability, by avoiding these movies. Instead, the message is to promote content by disabled creators, and encourage Hollywood to make films that show disabled people…

Bioethicist Art Caplan Posts Sloppy, Confused and Inaccurate Mess About Assisted Suicide on Medscape

…tion had depression at the time they received a prescription for a lethal drug and died by ingesting the drug. A third patient was depressed at the time that she requested a physician’s aid in dying and probably received her prescription; she was successfully treated for her depression before she died by lethal ingestion. Caplan finishes up with this: Assisted suicide may work but only with adequate protections, adequate controls, adequate oversig…

An Open Letter to Doctors From NDY Canada’s Amy Hasbrouck

…harmed by discrimination and barriers. The World Medical Association, the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association have all taken clear positions against assisted suicide and euthanasia. The Canadian Medical Association has a crucial role in the national debate. Anything short of a strong statement against ending-of-life practices would be seen as succumbing to pressure rather than establishi…

Final Exit Advisory Board Members Supporters of Parents Who Kill – Or Want to Kill – Their Disabled Kids

…work Board Member Exit Guide and Network spokesperson Board member/editor, World Federation of Right to Die Societies Former president of The Hemlock Society USA Those of us who have been in the euthanasia struggle for over a decade are very familiar with just how wide an agenda Girsh advocates. On December 3, 1997 the Hemlock Society (now Compassion and Choices) issued a press release titled: “Mercy Killing: A Position Statement Regarding David R…