Fighting “Better Dead Than Disabled” – NDY Year In Review

…one TV and seven radio broadcasts. There were at least 19 print or online news articles covering NDY messaging, including in the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, Hartford Courant and National Public Radio. Systems Advocacy: NDY staff and advocates pursued several key systems advocacy policy initiatives during the reporting year, using a combination of strategies and approaches. Assisted Suicide: NDY opposed assisted suicide laws or…

Annual Report: October 2020 – September 2021

…one TV and seven radio broadcasts. There were at least 19 print or online news articles covering NDY messaging, including in the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, Hartford Courant and National Public Radio. Systems Advocacy: NDY staff and advocates pursued several key systems advocacy policy initiatives during the reporting year, using a combination of strategies and approaches. Assisted Suicide: NDY opposed assisted suicide laws or…

NDY and Second Thoughts MA Activists Gathered Outside Supreme Judicial Court

…dvisory was issued prior to the protest. Boston Neighborhood Network (BNN) News ran a feature on the event, and also conducted an interview with NDY’s Assistant Director, Jules Good. The link to the feature can be found here, and the link to the interview can be found here. Both videos are also embedded below. Before the action, participants held a moment of silence to commemorate the recent passing of MetroWest center for Independent living execu…

NDY’s Letter to Governor Jerry Brown Urging Veto of Assisted Suicide Bill

…several times over the years. As I’m sure you know, he went on to lead the World Institute on Disability, along with Judy Heumann. What you may not know is that the World Institute on Disability came to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide. The same is true of every other national disability organization that has taken a position on the assisted suicide issue. It’s frustrating to see the issue portrayed as a progressive social cause. By the

ADAPT Public Comment Opposing Virginia Assisted Suicide Legislation

…a lethal prescription in Oregon were physically unable to take the lethal drugs without assistance. That means that another person administered the drugs: there is no way to prevent an attendant or a family member from doing this when a lethal prescription is in the house of a person with a disability. Advocates for assisted suicide point to the fact that many people keep the lethal prescription in their home but never take it, wishing only to fee…