Marilyn Golden: Keep the safeguards in California’s ‘End-of-Life’ law

…ory of the End of Life Options Act, as well as a patient healthcare infrastructure pushed to the breaking point by the COVID pandemic, it is neither wise nor appropriate to remove any of the law’s protections. Further, any effort to expand assisted suicide policy in California is in stark contrast to the on-going, unresolved debate on healthcare disparity and inequity within ethnic and minority communities who lack access to palliative, hospice an…

Hillary Clinton Says Assisted Suicide “Appropriate Right to Have”

…alf of the states. Solicitor General Walter Dellinger argued in both cases today. In contrast to the states’ lawyers, who urged the Court to find that there was no constitutional right at stake, Mr. Dellinger urged the Justices to recognize that terminally ill people have a ”liberty interest” in not having the state prevent their relief, through doctor-assisted suicide, from ”severe pain and suffering.” However, he said, the states’ interest in ”a…

Train Wrecks and Being Bushwacked in the Land of Oz – Bill Peace, Danny Robert and Nadina LaSpina report on the Oz Show

…utaboutcontrol.Youwanttomakesureyoudiewithyourbootsonandmakeup.” Everytimeanewsegmentstarted,Dr.Ozwouldsaythingslike:“Thequestiontodayis:dowehavetherighttoendourownlifeifwe’resuffering?” or“ifourqualityoflifehasdeteriorated?” Onthebigscreensthequestionwas:“Doyouthinkyouhavetherighttoendyourownlife?” (justassloppyandastheshow’s onlinesurvey, conflating suicide with assisted suicide, conflating the right to refuse treatment with assisted suicide). T…

Oregon State Board of Nursing Protected Nurses Over Patients – Report

…ven that, we can understand why Compassion and Choices isn’t featuring the news on its website. It’s not exactly the kind of thing they would want to publicize in their showcase state. But what about the other journalists in Oregon? This is a huge story. It’s important in terms of its impact on public health and safety. It’s also the kind of story that generates interest – scandal sells, doesn’t it? So why are Peter Korn and the Portland Tribune v…

Text of Response to Dr. Phil Segment ‘Deadly Consequences’ with List of National, State and Local Signons.

…from the audience, rather than on stage like Ms. Corriveau. There were no videos of Ruthi’s children. She was appalled at the idea of killing people with intellectual disabilities, but was given no more than a minute to speak. Finally, Dr. Phil, you asked for a show of hands from the audience – how many agree that Corriveau should be able to “mercifully” kill her kids? It should be no surprise that an audience who sat through such a one-sided pre…