Do you LOVE Not Dead Yet?

…ike assisted suicide, “futile care” policies, surrogate healthcare decision-making, equal rights in organ donation, or just learn more about them? Become an Online Foot Soldier. You already told us you love us, so like NDY on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, and follow us on Twitter to help signal boost our message to help us get the disability perspective out there on assisted suicide and other health care issues. Send Us Your Stories. S/he who h…

NDY Celebrating 20 Years in the Fight for Our Lives

…uggle against assisted suicide, euthanasia, and other discriminatory ending-of-life practices into the new millennium. According to the Patients’ Rights Council, more than 175 assisted suicide legislative proposals in more than 35 states were defeated between 1994 and 2015; only four such laws have passed. NDY has built a network of activists throughout the country that has responded, over and over again, to educate legislators about the dangerous…

Me Before You Message & Sign On Letter to Warner Brothers

…In an unprecedented level of response to this film’s anti-disability better-dead-than-disabled narrative, over 20 articles and blogs by disability advocates and scholars have been published in mainstream and disability press. This has also been reported by mainstream media, including Buzzfeed, MSNBC and many more. Direct actions by disability advocates leafleting at theaters have occurred in over 15 U.S. cities and at least four countries. Would a…

Not Dead Yet and Respecting Choices Announce Successful Collaboration

…aging health care consumers and medical professionals from using these life-sustaining devices except for short-term recovery and not as part of a viable disability lifestyle. The Not Dead Yet open letter was signed by over thirty disability organizations as well as twenty-five individuals who have successfully used one or more of these devices for years, and in some cases for decades. In response to the letter, Respecting Choices began a dialogue…

NDY Public Comment on OPTN Proposal Regarding Living Organ Donation by Persons with Certain Fatal Diseases

…ealth/wp/2017/05/24/its-not-pain-but-existential-distress-that-leads-people-to-assisted-suicide-study-suggests/?utm_term=.f155e817ee77); Madeline Li, M.D., Ph.D., “Medical Assistance in Dying — Implementing a Hospital-Based Program in Canada”, N Engl J Med 2017; 376:2082-2May 25, 2017 Samantha Bresnahan, “He wants to believe: Doctor searching for rare ALS reversals”, CNN, November 30, 2016 (…