NDY et al. Amicus Brief in New Mexico Supreme Court in Morris v. Brandenburg

…of community. These factors combined to give participants a perception of loss of self […] Symptoms and loss of function can give rise to dependency on others, a situation that was widely perceived as intolerable for participants: ‘I’m inconveniencing, I’m still inconveniencing other people who look after me and stuff like that. I don’t want to be like that. I wouldn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. No. I’d rather die.’ [3]   These are quintes…

Lisa Blumberg: Life, Liberty and Security in Canada – Is this the way we are headed?

…uebec/quebec-patients-to-take-their-time-after-winning-right-to-die http://www.slaw.ca/2019/09/17/challenging-the-quebec-end-of-life-legislation-and-medically-assisted-dying-in-truchon/ https://www.aacpdm.org/UserFiles/file/fact-sheet-spine-072415.pdf https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/dmcn.19_13512 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/montrealers-file-legal-action-contesting-restrictions-on-assisted-dying/article35308414/ ht…

Diane Coleman Testimony Opposing Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill H2381/S1384

…led at the time of their assisted suicide request. Three of these reasons (loss of autonomy, loss of dignity, feelings of being a burden) could be addressed by consumer-directed in-home long-term care services, but no disclosures about or provision of such services is required. Some of the reported reasons are clearly psycho-social and could be addressed by disability-competent professional and peer counselors, but this is not required either. Mor…

From Stephen Mendelsohn: More Media, Etc. From Connecticut Hearings on Assisted Suicide

…of Senator Joe Markley: http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8509/8574564003_4797be77d7_b.jpg (I am standing on the left, and next to Cathy in the second video above) (Editor – Stephen Mendelsohn on left and next to Cathy Ludlum in the second video above) Testimony on the bill: http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/CommDocTmyBillAllComm.asp?bill=HB-06645&doc_year=2013 Video of 15-hour hearing: http://www.ctn.state.ct.us/CTNplayer.asp?odID=8816 John Kelly’s exc…

Plaintiffs Appeal Dismissal of Assisted Suicide Lawsuit Under the ADA and Constitution

…for people with disabilities primarily residing within the 50 zip codes of Los Angeles County covering south and central Los Angeles and neighboring communities. For more information visit: https://calif-ilc.org/ About Not Dead Yet Not Dead Yet is a national, grassroots disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination against old, ill, and disabled people. Not Dead Yet helps org…