Why Are We Here?

…de and euthanasia organizations held in the U.S. since the year 2000. They call themselves the “World Federation of Right To Die Societies.” But it’s really about the Right to Be Killed and the Duty to Die. Final Exit Network is not really about the “right to die”, it’s about: Suicide how-to instructions and videos online; Exit Guides who assist old, ill and disabled people to die; Exit Guides who hold your arms down so you won’t “accidentally” re…

Not Dead Yet and Respecting Choices Announce Successful Collaboration

…Ps and ventilators, potentially discouraging health care consumers and medical professionals from using these life-sustaining devices except for short-term recovery and not as part of a viable disability lifestyle. The Not Dead Yet open letter was signed by over thirty disability organizations as well as twenty-five individuals who have successfully used one or more of these devices for years, and in some cases for decades. In response to the lett…

Me Before You Message & Sign On Letter to Warner Brothers

es of this film in any form. We have prepared a letter to Warner Brothers, calling for such a PSA. The letter is below. We are requesting that national, state and local disability organizations sign onto this letter by July 25. Please share this with organizations you know and urge them to sign on by emailing Diane Coleman (dcoleman@notdeadyet.org) the following information: Organization name: Location City & State: Is Organization National, State…

NDY Celebrating 20 Years in the Fight for Our Lives

…y to challenge the assisted suicide movement and other deadly forms of medical discrimination. With the increasing popularity of “Dr. Death” Jack Kevorkian, whose body count was mainly people with disabilities who were not terminally ill, there had been growing talk of a street action group like ADAPT to address this critical threat to our lives. So, from a running gag in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Bob suggested “Not Dead Yet.” On…

Do you LOVE Not Dead Yet?

…ttorneys across the country. Let us know if you might be willing for us to call on you from time to time to see if you can help us out in your state! Community Organizers. Whether it’s advocacy at the statehouse or a protest at an assisted suicide or bioethics conference, we’d love to hear from you if you’re willing to join us as a participant or organizer when the rubber meets the road! Letters to the Editor. Has the assisted suicide fight come t…