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…Me Before You” Disability Protest Flyer – Color “Me Before You” Protesters Call For PSA To Prevent Copycat Suicides “Pushing Limits” with Stephen Drake on DRLC (KPFA radio, 3/20/15) A review of evidence supporting certain disability rights concerns about “end of life” advocacy AAA Home Page Acclaimed 2024 BBC Documentary “Better Off Dead?” to be Screened in Washington, D.C. Activists Protest Disability Snuff Film ME BEFORE YOU! Adam Prizio’s State…

Not Dead Yet and Respecting Choices Announce Successful Collaboration

…Ps and ventilators, potentially discouraging health care consumers and medical professionals from using these life-sustaining devices except for short-term recovery and not as part of a viable disability lifestyle. The Not Dead Yet open letter was signed by over thirty disability organizations as well as twenty-five individuals who have successfully used one or more of these devices for years, and in some cases for decades. In response to the lett…

NDY Press Release: NDY Files Brief In New Mexico Assisted Suicide Case

…l to the state Supreme Court noted that the State Attorney General did not call witnesses or submit evidence of alleged any abuses in Oregon and Washington state where assisted suicide is legal. In their Supreme Court brief, the Disability Amici urge that, if the Court is not prepared to simply uphold the Court of Appeals at this stage, the Court should remand the case and allow one or more of the disability groups to assist the Attorney General o…

Not Dead Yet, ASAN and NCIL Weigh In on IOM Report on Dying in America

…live happily and productively with significant disabilities or chronic illnesses. As renowned palliative care physician Ira Byock said regarding the exclusion of the disability perspective from the “end of life” initiatives of the 1990’s, “It was a deliberate decision — and it was irresponsible.” (A deliberate decision? Does end-of-life group shut out disability perspective? Ragged Edge Online, July 21, 2003.) The result of that exclusion is that…

Not Dead Yet Applauds Second Thoughts Connecticut As Disability Advocates Prepare to Testify Against Assisted Suicide Bill

…oing to end up embracing a whole new ethic that confuses compassionate medical care with a prescription for death.” (Both Sides Get Ready To Debate End of Life Issues, CT News Junkie, March 16, 2015.) One of the leaders of Second Thoughts CT, Cathy Ludlum, was interviewed extensively about her concerns as a person with significant physical disabilities regarding the potential for “unintended consequences” and the difficulty of providing adequate s…