John Kelly’s Testimony Opposing New Hampshire “Death with Dignity Act” HB 1659

… Quote from Judge Mary K. Ames, ruling against a right to assisted suicide in Kligler vs. Mass, December 31, 2019. Dr. Lachlan Forrow, Chair of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Interdisciplinary Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life, held in an affidavit that “It is crucial to recognize that the limits in any physician’s ability to predict a patient’s future have dramatica…

Federal study finds assisted suicide laws rife with dangers to people with disabilities

…ed in partnership with NCD on the series of reports, summarizes this groundbreaking work: Despite the growing consensus that disability is a normal part of the human experience, the lives of people with disabilities are routinely devalued in medical decision-making. Negative biases and inaccurate assumptions about disabled people persist. In medical situations, these biases can have serious and even deadly consequences. Beginning on September 25,…

Testimony of Anita Cameron Opposing New Hampshire HB 1659

…BC and countless other media. That these actions were necessary shows the brutal reality of today’s cost-cutting pressures in healthcare. I am here as Director of Minority Outreach for Not Dead Yet, a national disability rights organization opposed to physician assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination against people with disabilities, whether terminally ill or not. I live in Rochester, New York, but work with people of col…

NDY Urges National Council on Disability to Reissue Position Paper on Assisted Suicide

…k Society co-founder Derek Humphry. A few months later, NCD issued a groundbreaking and highly persuasive position paper opposing legalization of assisted suicide. Today, Not Dead Yet is urging NCD to re-issue this important position statement. If you would like to support our request, please email your support to Here is NDY’s public comment: On March 24, 1997, the National Council on Disability issued a position paper enti…

NDY’s 24th Anniversary: Never Has the Fight For Our Lives Been More Urgent

…Congressional subcommittee hearing two days later. Not Dead Yet had begun. Today, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the plague scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail hits painfully close to home, as an older man is thrown on a dead body cart, protesting he’s “not dead” – yet. Today, we’re seeing countless medical triage policies that would literally throw older and disabled people away. Never has the need to fight for our lives been more…