New OCR Settlement On COVID-19 Triage Criteria Increases Disability Protections

…t everyone who can recover and survive, regardless of disability or age.” “Today’s OCR resolution makes clear that policies common in many states’ medical rationing plans – such as denying care based on the belief that disabled people take longer to recover or by using tools that penalize people for having disabilities that do not impact their ability to survive COVID19 – constitute illegal disability discrimination,” said Alison Barkoff, Director…

Nat’l Council on Independent Living’s Policy Director Testifies Against Massachusetts Bill

…sisted suicide being legalized, and the safeguards people claim exist are truly insufficient when it comes to protecting people who are already vulnerable. While proponents of legalizing assisted suicide claim safeguards will prevent abuse from occurring, the truth is these safeguards are incredibly ineffective. When coupled with problematic monitoring and a lack of meaningful oversight and enforcement mechanisms, they may as well be nonexistent….

Webinar: Fighting Assisted Suicide – The Big Picture in the States, Federal & Judiciary

…deral, and judiciary Friday, March 11th 2022 4:00pm to 5:30pm EST REGISTER TODAY The Patients’ Rights Action Fund, Not Dead Yet and our allies fight the legalization of assisted suicide public policy, which is dangerous and discriminatory. You are invited to attend a webinar for a complete update on the fight against assisted suicide and euthanasia on all fronts. State Update – Barbara Lyons, Coalitions Director of Patients’ Rights Action Fund Ass…

Anita Cameron: Health Disparities and Medical Abuse: Why Blacks Shouldn’t Support Assisted Suicide

…d in medical research today. Now, there is COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. What started as an outbreak has turned into a worldwide pandemic, with over one million Americans dead. The Black community, especially, is being ravaged by COVID-19. We are three times more likely to die from it, and four times more likely to be hospitalized for it. COVID 19 has laid bare racial disparities and disability discrimination in healthcare that leads to med…

Introducing the Not Dead Yet Video Blog!

…rt brown hair. I wear black hearing aids that have pink molds in them. And today I have on a red and black flannel shirt. Today, we’re covering involuntary withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment. First, let’s work backwards to break down exactly what that means. Life-sustaining medical treatment is what it sounds like, things a medical professional does to keep a patient alive. We can call it LSMT for short. LSMT does not cure or reverse…