Peter Singer in NY Times Magazine: Disability Community Responds!

…ev. Nan Hildebrand Susan Houston Dania Jekel Bob Kafka Neil Kapit Denise Karuth Tom Keogh Molly King Joseph F. Kras, MD, DDS Sandra Gail Lambert Sharon Lamp Aubrie Lee Jessica Lehman Miriam Levine Victoria Lewis, Ph.D. Patricia Lockwood MS Madonna Long Ruth Deale Lowenkron Calvin Luker Tricia Luker Liz Lyons David K. March Patricia A Martin Theresa A. Martinosky Ben Mattlin Julie V. Maury Ryan McDuffee Eileen McGinn Tina Minkowitz, Esq. Jacinda Mo…

RELEASE: Canadian Association for Community Living Relieved at Dismissal of Appeal in Rasouli Case

…n making authority to physicians. Only providing recourse to apply for court injunctions is not the way to resolve decision-making challenges. In making clear that legislated procedures under the HCCA govern decision making, the Court has ruled against further barriers to justice and equality for people with disabilities and older persons. – See more at:…

NY Times: Montana Court to Rule on Assisted Suicide Case (NDY Quoted)

…Baxter and the group of physicians who joined him as plaintiffs, say that rural Montanans could be left out, too. In places like Scobey, in the state’s far northeast corner, where Julie French lives, the population density is about one person per square mile. Minimal health care is hours away. “Before we deal with assisted suicide, we should make sure first and foremost that everybody has equal access,” said Ms. French, a Democratic state legisla…

UK: Director of Public Prosecutions Publishes Guidelines on How to Get Away with Murder

…very sick and they were ‘asking for it’. In which case, judging by recent news and the killers walking free among us, you get freedom and national hero status. Now we will all have a neat little guide to help us kill our loved ones right.. to CPS standards. State approved Assisted Suicide Kits aren’t available, but then, it takes time to organise given how many hundreds of thousands of very sick people must need their family’s ‘help’. In a late a…

Oklahoma: Reporter labels an attempted murder as “failed mercy killing”

…e more outlandish uses of the term that I’ve seen in the press. Writing on, the website of the Oklahoman, Nola N. Clay reports on the apparent plea bargain and sentencing of Thomas Wayne Garrett, who attempted to shoot his wife to death last December. The title of the news story is “Midwest city man gets 20 years in failed mercy kill”: A Midwest City man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for shooting his longtime ailing wife in a…