NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day

…e time Kenny died in 2014, together with our teenage sons, we had come to truly experience the fruits of deep love and sacrifice. Physician-assisted suicide perverts the dying process and robs families of irreplaceable end-of-life opportunities. Through Kenny’s model of suffering and living his life out to its natural end, I have come to recognize that how we die is the culminating statement of our lives. Through it, Kenny taught the communities o…

Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill

…thdrawn after impassioned testimony (Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 3/16/16).] Today, Wednesday, March 16, the Minnesota Senate Health, Human Services, and Housing Committee held a hearing on SF 1880, a proposed bill to legalize assisted suicide. As usual, proponents hinge their arguments on the claim that the Oregon experience proves that the law is safe. They never mention the deficiently minimal reporting and non-existent investigation or oversight…

More Bloggers Remembering Paul Longmore

…memories – and shares a couple of links as well. That’s pretty much everything I have found so far. I still intend to put together a post of NDY-related references and material by Paul, but it will have to wait for next week. We got word earlier today that there will be an important development tomorrow – we don’t know yet if it’s a good development or a bad one. Looks like I have to hit the ground running in the morning – metaphorically, as it p…

Disability Activists Are Strongly Opposing Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill

…been preparing for the first hearing on the bill, scheduled for Friday, February 28 beginning at 12:00 noon. On February 17, an article by Katie Collins-Ihrke, Executive Director of Accessible Resources for Independence, was published in the Frederick News-Post entitled Marylanders need health care, not assisted suicide: “End-of-life option” bills are consistently marketed to the public as applying only to people who are expected to die within six…

NDY Applauds Appointment of AAPD CEO Andy Imparato to Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Board of Governors

Great news coming out of Washington, DC last week. Andrew Imparato, the President and CEO of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), has been appointed to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Board of Governors. Here’s the relevant info from the AAPD press release: WASHINGTON, DC – September 23, 2010 – The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the country’s largest cross-disability membe…