Testimony of Mel Tanzman on Behalf of NY Assn. on Independent Living Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill A2383A

…opping with the individual to find a physician who will provide the fatal drug, such as in the case of Kate Chaney. There is nothing in the proposed legislation that would prevent an abusive caregiver or family member from steering the individual toward physician assisted suicide, witnessing the request form, picking up the lethal dose, and even administering the drug. Because no independent witness is required at the death, there is no assurance…

Early Press & Testimony Opposing Mass. END of . . . Life-Options Bill

…usetts assisted suicide bill. Here are the links to both Boston Channel 25 news stories featuring John as an opponent of the bill: Bill to help terminally-ill patients end life to be debated on Beacon Hill Public to weigh in on right-to-die legislation for terminally ill This morning’s press conference was well attended, and NDY’s Anita Cameron posted a photo of the speakers on Facebook: Nine people lined up to speak at press conference with podiu…

Marilyn Golden: An Unforgettable Legacy of Wisdom, Dedication, and Results

…find it hard to separate the personal and professional. I’ve been hearing today about quite a few non-work things Marilyn and I had in common but never discussed, being so focused on work. So thank you for that. I truly hope she knew how incredible her contributions have been and knew that we will keep her incomparable gifts, her legacy, alive in our hearts and minds. Those things we almost never mentioned were science fiction, music from our you…

NDY Files Public Comment With CMS Re Equity In Organ Transplantation and Donation

…that her brain was still functioning and ignored the possibility that the drug overdose was inhibiting primitive reflexes. (6) Equally shocking was the case of Ruben Navarro, a young man disabled by a neurological disorder, who did not die immediately when his ventilator was removed, but died eight hours later after his body was flooded with drugs and the antiseptic Betadine in preparation for organ donation. Although the surgeon involved was late…

Cathy Ludlum Testifies – “Many people are hanging on by a thread.”

…s Consultation Service https://www.acamaid.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Ethics-Consultation-Anorexia-Nervosa-9-3-21.pdf 4 Fabian Stahle, “Oregon Health Authority Reveals Hidden Problems with the Oregon Assisted Suicide Model” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xOZfLFrvuQcazZfFudEncpzp2b18NrUo/view 5 “Diabetics Eligible for Physician Assisted Suicide Oregon, ” The Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/11/diabetics-eligible-…