An elderly woman’s “mercy killing” looking more like murder – an overview of elderly homicide/suicides

…claims of “mercy” as a reason for killing his wife. Some even appeared on news sites outside of the U.S. In contrast, only two local news sites have posted stories about the reactions and statements of Virginia Chumbley’s family to her murder. Only a very small audience is getting to see/hear what the family has to say compared to the very large audience who saw Virginia Chumbley’s death framed as a “mercy killing.” None of this is unusual. The “…

BBC Radio: World Have Your Say (Debate – D Coleman, J Kelly, G Eighmey)

…re…that she has opened the debate, opened the conversation, throughout the world, not just throughout the united states, people are talking about what type of quality of life they want at the end of their lives, not, not mentally incompetent people, not disabled individuals, but people who are terminally ill and have six months or less to live. That conversation is necessary because it is an option. And- Emma Wilson: Ok- George Eighmey: just becau…

Alternet: Ann Neumann’s Disingenuous Complaints About the State of the Euthanasia Debate

…a few days ago, I heard someone from a pro life campaign group telling ITV news, “Killing people is illegal.” It seems the world needs reminding of these simple things. So, for the sake of clarity: I’m Disability Bitch, and I do hate the world and everything in it, but I don’t want to die anytime soon. It’s no surprise my No-Legged mate thinks I might want to glide off this mortal coil sooner rather than later. The thing is, I don’t. I quite like…

More Men in the News – Killing Ailing Wives and Calling it “Mercy”

…lieves Yagi was trying to end his wife’s suffering. “When I saw it (on the news), I knew exactly what I was hearing,” he said. “We hear it all the time all over the world, rich people, poor people, people in pain, people suffering.” He said Hawaii came close in 2002 to passing a law to allow assisted suicide. The so-called Death with Dignity bill died when three state senators changed their votes at the last minute following intense lobbying by op…