Not Dead Yet Public Comment on Revised Proposed Donation After Cardiac/Circulatory Death (DCD) Protocols

…rather than substantively addressed. We urge both the Ethics Committee and the OPTN Board to refrain from acting on the pending proposals before you have carried out your duty to protect the interests of potential organ donors as well as safeguard public trust in the integrity of the organ procurement and transplantation system. Please contact me with any questions you may have and, above all, create a system that all of us can trust to value our…

Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19

…d yet”, and that it just seems so appropriate and it’s in today’s COVID-19 world it’s very much a… But I know Not Dead Yet is more than what’s in The Life of Brian. What is the mission of Not Dead Yet? Diane Coleman: Well, we started out, the big issue at that time was Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as Dr. Death in Michigan because the majority, overwhelming majority of his body count was assisted suicides with people with disabilities who were no…

Board of Directors

…was on the Board of Directors. He has written op-ed columns for his local newspaper, the Times Union, and remains a tireless advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Emily Wolinsky Emily Wolinsky serves as President and Executive Director of NMD United, a peer-led and run non-profit organization that connects adults with neuromuscular disabilities (NMDs) to Independent Living resources. As part of her work for NMD United, in 2015-2016…

Not Dead Yet’s direct actions and campaigns

…ns and media/public education campaigns to bring public attention to the struggle to stop legalization of assisted suicide, involuntary denial of life sustaining treatment and to advocate for equal protection of the law for old, ill and disabled people. Disability Activists Crash Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Conference (04/27/22) Activists Protest Disability Snuff Film Me Before You! (2016) NDY Protest of World Federation of Right to Die Societies (…

The Extreme Ableism of Assisted Suicide

…e least of people’s concerns. Doctors report people requesting the lethal drugs because of psychosocial suffering about becoming disabled through their illness. It’s mental distress about becoming dependent on other people (“losing autonomy” 92%), losing abilities (“less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable” 90%), shame and perceived/actual loss of social status (“loss of dignity” 79%), needing help with incontinence (“losing control…