NDY and Second Thoughts MA Activists Gathered Outside Supreme Judicial Court

…dvisory was issued prior to the protest. Boston Neighborhood Network (BNN) News ran a feature on the event, and also conducted an interview with NDY’s Assistant Director, Jules Good. The link to the feature can be found here, and the link to the interview can be found here. Both videos are also embedded below. Before the action, participants held a moment of silence to commemorate the recent passing of MetroWest center for Independent living execu…

Stephanie Woodward Will Represent NDY and ADAPT at Albany Press Conference

…Assisted Suicide What: Patient and disability rights advocates will hold a news conference to warn of the dangers of legalized assisted suicide in their state. Assembly Bill A2694 and Senate Bill S3947 are currently in their respective Health Committees. Who: Kristen Hanson, Patients Rights Action Fund Meghan Parker, New York Association on Independent Living Stephanie Woodward, ADAPT and Not Dead Yet Kathryn Carroll, Center for Disability Rights…

NPR’s Joe Shapiro Reports on Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Against Assisted Suicide

…are challenging a California law that allows terminally ill people to get drugs to end their lives. The groups say that people living with disabilities are at greater risk of being coerced into seeking those medications for assisted suicide. NPR’s Joseph Shapiro has this report. JOSEPH SHAPIRO, BYLINE: People with disabilities often have a complicated relationship with the medical system. Many doctors make their lives better, even save their lives…

Assistant Director/Policy Analyst Job Description

…y groups opposing bills to legal assisted suicide. Participate in public forums. Write articles and blogs on NDY topics. Provide testimony to legislative and government bodies. Assist in developing and implementing plans and goals. Work with the CEO to coordinate and supervise daily operations. Ensure compliance with regulations and internal policies. Monitor attainment of objectives. Undertake staffing responsibilities (hiring, training, evaluati…

Annual Report: October 2020 – September 2021

…one TV and seven radio broadcasts. There were at least 19 print or online news articles covering NDY messaging, including in the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, Hartford Courant and National Public Radio. Systems Advocacy: NDY staff and advocates pursued several key systems advocacy policy initiatives during the reporting year, using a combination of strategies and approaches. Assisted Suicide: NDY opposed assisted suicide laws or…