Josue Rodriguez of Tennessee NDY Opposing SB 1362/HB 1040 – Written Testimony

…land family violence prosecutor Debbie Feinstein said. Only in the fantasy world of proponents are all families, including the thousands of criminally abusive ones, happily gathered around the peaceful and willing suicide.   The Health & Welfare Committee should not be recommending the introduction of poisonous drugs into abusive situations and then not even require that an independent, disinterested witness be present at the dying. This bill take…

Oral Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…herapy, but did offer to pay for assisted suicide. The cost of the lethal drug for suicide was about $300.00 When assisted suicide drugs cost significantly less than the cost of treating terminal illness, and patients with limited finances are denied other treatment options by their insurance company, they are, in effect, being steered toward Physician assisted death. This is no longer a matter of choice or dignity. We cannot trade the dignity and…

Written Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…land family violence prosecutor Debbie Feinstein said. Only in the fantasy world of proponents are all families, including the thousands of criminally abusive ones, happily gathered around the peaceful and willing suicide.   The House Health & Human Development Committee should not be recommending the introduction of poisonous drugs into abusive situations and then not even require that an independent, disinterested witness be present at the dying…

NDY Response to NY Dept. of Health Advance Care Planning Request for Information

…llnesses for many years. The definition should be made clear. The form instructions on page 6 for item 4 also continue the vague and biased messaging which encourages hasty and uninformed decisions in the context of terminal illness, brain injury, disorders of consciousness and dementia: If you wish to make more specific instructions, you could say: If I become terminally ill, I do/don’t want to receive the following types of treatments…. If I am…

NDY Submits Public Comment to NY Dept. of Health on Advance Care Planning

…aid that many of her relatives have had basic CPR training. This is a real world story from Rochester, New York. Although it does not involve a non-hospital DNR, a subject of this request for information, it is certainly a relevant cautionary tale. NDY was most interested in providing input on certain public policy issues related to advance care planning and the three forms because: Errors in completion of Health Care Proxy, MOLST, and nonhospital…