PushBlack Podcast: “The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron”

…the racial disparities in healthcare and how that will make it, unfortunately, more likely that Black disabled will be subject to euthanasia practices, eugenics practices, what we call, futility laws in medicine, medic- medical rationing, you know. As it is, we Black people get inferior healthcare in comparison to whites, and so in my job, I really work to bring awareness of how racism plays a part in disability discrimination in healthcare. Anita…

Action Alert! Speak Out on Proposed Rules for ‘Procuring’ Organs from People with Disabilities

…apartment. He could have been much more able to see friends, get outside a bit, and generally have a much more interesting and stimulating life. The reasons he gave for wanting to die were precisely how boring and meaningless life was for him. “This is the key lesson that disabilities advocates are trying to teach the rest of us.” Brody, H, A bioethicist offers an apology, Health, Oct 6 2004, http://www.lansingcitypulse.com/lansing/archives/041006…

Breaking News: Billionaire Buys the Rights to Livestream Assisted Suicide of Cancer Patient

…tells it, the idea did not originate with him but with the Ivanisovich family. “Originally, I was approached by one of my staff to help Nikolai out with medical expenses,” he told AVN. “I did so. We exchanged some emails and that was it. Once his health started to deteriorate his wife Uryna asked me to pay for his assisted end of life. It was her suggestion in fact that we stream it. So I agreed. Most of the great ideas on BattleCam come from the…

Organ Procurement Guidelines, Health Care Decisions and People With Disabilities

…over the last decade, I can’t help but view the proposal both professionally and personally. About a year ago, Stephen Drake mentioned that Belgian doctors were bragging about harvesting high quality organs from people like me and other people with disabilities. There are people close to me who need organ transplants, and I respect organ donation. But the Belgian story was a bit unnerving. The UNOS listing of “Affected Groups” in the “At-a-Glance…

Alternet: Ann Neumann’s Disingenuous Complaints About the State of the Euthanasia Debate

…ying such things, but then, people have been stating the obvious a lot lately. Only a few days ago, I heard someone from a pro life campaign group telling ITV news, “Killing people is illegal.” It seems the world needs reminding of these simple things. So, for the sake of clarity: I’m Disability Bitch, and I do hate the world and everything in it, but I don’t want to die anytime soon. It’s no surprise my No-Legged mate thinks I might want to glide…