Today on Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled: Costs Illustrated Magazine


Welcome to the world of Champagne lifetimes and caviar deaths! I’m Robbin’ Leech, your guide to the deathstyle media titans that are teaching us how the fabulously wealthy celebrate the moments of their end-of-lives. Today I’ll be sharing two sumptuous images from Costs Illustrated magazine and then dazzling you with one glorious Deathstyles graphic.

(Summary image descriptions: Below are 3 separate graphics that depict: a magazine cover featuring the Sarco; a one page excerpt of this magazine’s article; and a promotional graphic for the Deathstyles series. Click the image for complete alt-text or scroll down for complete image descriptions.)


A spoof magazine cover called Costs Illustrated that’s a parody of Cook’s Illustrated, and that features a highly stylized photo of the 3-D printable death pod invented by Philip Nitschke that’s called the Sarco. Art: A wide blue border with a narrow white border inside it that frames a painting of an old-fashioned room with golden light coming in the window. Layered on this background is a large blue metallic Sarco that gleams with reflected light. It stands leaning against the wall. Arranged around its base are Styx’s Grand Illusion album, a bunch of rotting bananas, a poisonous mushroom, a pomegranate with six seeds picked out, a banana peel, and a copy of Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics. On the bureau painted in the background are stacks of gold coins and a portrait of a vulture. There are four flies scattered around. Text: Banner logo of Costs Illustrated top center with Number 1979 and January/February 2022 above it. Listed in heavy white type on the left side of the image are the articles in this issue: How a Death-Wish Becomes a Law Australian Death Cultures: Tangy, Cheap, Utilitarian Beyond Ethics®: Fear-Based Ethics Make Assisted-Death Policy Sausage That Naïve And/Or Craven Elected Officials Can’t Get Enough Of Easy Weeknight Euthanasia Policy: Crips Are Dying To Save You Money Expendable People: Bioethicists Tell Us Who’s Worthless Sarco Death Pods: A Single-Use Appliance Worth The Hefty Price?



An old promotional graphic for the program, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous With Robin Leach that’s been altered to read, Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled With Robbin’ Leech. Art: Gold logo of The Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled with Robbin’ Leech against a black background. To the right is a doctored photo of Robin Leach in what can only be described as a casual tuxedo look, and holding a glass of champagne next to a table with a bottle of bubbly and a bowl of caviar with a tiered cake in the background and a huge bunch of flowers. Layered on top of Robbin’s face is a cutout of Marty Feldman’s face and a separate cutout of a filthy captain’s hat on top. There are about six flies buzzing about the whole graphic. Text: Two signs are on the wall. The gold one reads VIP RIP “End-of-Life Options & You” in Penthouse. Right below that is a dingy sign reading, No Elevator To Penthouse Stairs Only. Layered on Robbin’ is a bright yellow star-shaped quote, “It’s Champagne lifetimes and caviar deaths here on Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled!”

Image #1: A spoof magazine cover called Costs Illustrated that’s a parody of Cook’s Illustrated, and that features a highly stylized photo of the 3-D printable death pod invented by Philip Nitschke that’s called the Sarco.

Art: A wide blue border with a narrow white border inside it that frames a painting of an old-fashioned room with golden light coming in the window. Layered on this background is a large blue metallic Sarco that gleams with reflected light. It stands leaning against the wall. Arranged around its base are Styx’s Grand Illusion album, a bunch of rotting bananas, a poisonous mushroom, a pomegranate with six seeds picked out, a banana peel, and a copy of Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics. On the bureau painted in the background are stacks of gold coins and a portrait of a vulture. There are four flies scattered around.

Text:  Banner logo of Costs Illustrated top center with Number 1979 and January/February 2022 above it. Listed in heavy white type on the left side of the image are the articles in this issue:

How a Death-Wish Becomes a Law

Australian Death Cultures: Tangy, Cheap, Utilitarian

Beyond Ethics®: Fear-Based Ethics Make Assisted-Death Policy Sausage That Naïve And/Or Craven Elected Officials Can’t Get Enough Of

Easy Weeknight Euthanasia Policy: Crips Are Dying To Save You Money

Expendable People: Bioethicists Tell Us Who’s Worthless

Sarco Death Pods: A Single-Use Appliance Worth The Hefty Price?

Image #2: An excerpt from one of Cost Illustrated’s articles: “Easy Weeknight Euthanasia Policy With Pomegranate and Baked Meats.” This is a satirical article about how ableist public policy and the Sarco work together. It spoofs the real magazine’s test-kitchen narrative style and format.

Art: An artfully simple page of text that’s free of advertising and photography. The title of the article is quite large with a smaller summary beneath it. There are unobtrusive horizontal lines at the top of the page, above and below the author’s name, and at the bottom above the page number. The main text is in a two-column format that represents a single page of a multipage article.

Text: Contains links that add to the text but aren’t essential. They do not appear in the graphic.

Easy Weeknight Euthanasia Policy With Pomegranate and Baked Meats

Costs Illustrated teams up with the America’s Test Policy lab to show how American euthanasia policy that starts with a tangy Aussie death culture and tools like the Sarco Death Pod are all you need for easy, elegant, and classy institution-quality deaths you can afford to put on a weekly rotation.


With stresses from the pandemic, rising healthcare costs, algorithms that decide if you’re worthy of healthcare resources, and an aging population, nothing’s been hotter than working with death cultures or that new death-style must-have, the Sarco Death Pod. If you’re like many people, your first reaction to hearing about the Sarco is that it cannot possibly be real. But it is. The Sarco is like a Build-a-Bear workshop where you’re 3-D printing a death chamber for someone you can’t bear. As the ultimate status symbol of the rich and abled, the Sarco brings class, elegance, and sophistication to the more down-market dying experience of those you’ve given an adequately convincing appearance of loving. And the Sarco’s beautiful built-in coffin design means that it can do double-duty as server-ware for euthanasia public policy.

But there can be a steep learning curve to achieving an uninvestigated death that stays unrisen even as income drops, caregiver burnout grows, and she just doesn’t get why you need your inheritance now.

Bill or ballot measure? Paddle or fist? Ice water or time in the freezer?  Or both? There’s a lot to know.

If every unintended survival leaves you a little more flummoxed then the last, you may decide that this is a job best left to the professionals. But that would be a shame because death cultures have never been more available, and end-ware like the Sarco makes the job easier, faster, and more seemingly inevitable and compassionate.

We decided to find out the best tips and tools for a busy weeknight when you just want to get dinner on the table and hasten a death that says, “Nothing to see here.” We rigorously tested every variation to get the best death, using a whole lot of mostly older female staff from minority communities who were about to be laid off because print journalism is dying without any help from anyone. The result is an institution-quality death you’ll want to put on a weekly rotation.

Ableist Policy is the Best Policy

What you may not know is that even a hobbyist should start with the tool professionals swear by: a set of ableist public policies. (see “How a Death-Wish Becomes a Law”) Ableist public policy is a great stabilizer for almost any death culture, especially the Australian ones that are as norm warping as they are sour. Keep the ableism sharp – like the American kind now being produced – and it will create a much more forgiving policy environment for mistakes with your deaths.

If you’re a physician, the benefits of ableist policy are even clearer. If you can say, “But I was acting in good faith!” you’re covered. Even if your euthanasia learning curve intersects with the downward spiral of a patient you misdiagnosed and whose depression history you oopsed.

Properly written, legislative policy establishes a feedback loop of fear and rationalization that makes the hastening of a death a breeze. It can’t be wrong because it’s legal and it’s legal because it isn’t wrong. When you’ve got this tautology down, you’re set up for success in growing your death culture (see “Australian Death Cultures: Tangy, Cheap, Utilitarian) and learning how to say goodbye with your new little friend, the Sarco.

The Sarco: It Comes From a Land Down Six Feet Under

If you don’t have a ready supply of vulnerable test subjects who are unaware of their rights, don’t worry. Crips will be dying to save you money if you present the Sarco as the creation of one of the two extremely masculineAustralian men at work on saving crips, in a manly and rational way, from themselves. Plus, crips are available year round, they’re low-cost, and the pandemic has only increased the diversity and longevity of many previously difficult to source varieties too delicate for

[Footer:]  Costs Illustrated, 13

Image #3: An old promotional graphic for the program, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous With Robin Leach that’s been altered to read, Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled With Robbin’ Leech.

Art:  Gold logo of The Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled with Robbin’ Leech against a black background. To the right is a doctored photo of Robin Leach in what can only be described as a casual tuxedo look, and holding a glass of champagne next to a table with a bottle of bubbly and a bowl of caviar with a tiered cake in the background and a huge bunch of flowers.  Layered on top of Robbin’s face is a cutout of Marty Feldman’s face and a separate cutout of a filthy captain’s hat on top. There are about six flies buzzing about the whole graphic.

Text: Two signs are on the wall. The gold one reads VIP RIP “End-of-Life Options & You” in Penthouse. Right below that is a dingy sign reading, No Elevator To Penthouse Stairs Only. Layered on Robbin’ is a bright yellow star-shaped quote, “It’s Champagne lifetimes and caviar deaths here on Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled!”

Webinar: Fighting Assisted Suicide – The Big Picture in the States, Federal & Judiciary

Fighting Assisted Suicide Coast to Coast:

The big picture in the states, federal, and judiciary

Friday, March 11th 2022
4:00pm to 5:30pm EST


The Patients’ Rights Action Fund, Not Dead Yet and our allies fight the legalization of assisted suicide public policy, which is dangerous and discriminatory. You are invited to attend a webinar for a complete update on the fight against assisted suicide and euthanasia on all fronts.

State Update – Barbara Lyons, Coalitions Director of Patients’ Rights Action Fund

  • Assisted Suicide Legalization Bills – States where introduced and provisions

  • Assisted Suicide Expansion Bills – States where introduced and provisions

  • How States are Stretching the Oregon Model

Federal Update – Matt Vallière, Executive Director of Patients’ Rights Action Fund

  • Bi-partisan Congressional Resolution – How to get involved

  • Federal Regulation – Provisions and action needed

Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Push in the Courts – Diane Coleman, CEO & President Not Dead Yet 

  • Overview of how proponents are trying to legalize and expand assisted suicide laws through litigation.

This webinar will include real-time closed captioning and will be signed by an ASL interpreter.
If you have an accommodation request, please email

NDY & 18 Other Disability Groups Join DREDF Amicus Brief in Assisted Suicide Case

DREDF has just announced the filing of a friend-of-the-court (“amicus”) brief in a Massachusetts assisted suicide case.

Since 1996, NDY has organized numerous amicus briefs in assisted suicide cases, some of which are posted on our website HERE. DREDF has joined several of these briefs, but this is the first time DREDF has also served as counsel.

To DREDF’s great credit, this brief been joined by eighteen other national and Massachusetts disability groups, more than any previous Disability Brief filed in these cases. NDY, and I believe all that joined in this brief, are deeply grateful for DREDF’s and attorney Michelle Uzeta’s leadership, legal scholarship and skill in representing us before the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in this important case.

Here is DREDF’s announcement, which links to their strongly and expertly argued brief.

DREDF Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of Itself and Eighteen Other Organizations Opposing Efforts to Establish a Constitutional Right to Assisted Suicide in Massachusetts

The question of whether a constitutional right to assisted suicide exists must be addressed and understood from the perspective of the class of people who will be most adversely impacted if such a right is found – people with disabilities, whether terminally ill or not. On February 14, 2022, DREDF filed an amicus brief on behalf of itself and eighteen other organizations in Kligler v. Healy to provide such a perspective. Kligler is an appeal before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts that seeks to establish a constitutional right to assisted suicide. The nineteen amici are recognized authorities in the field of disability rights who oppose the legalization of assisted suicide. The brief of amici discusses how assisted suicide discriminates against people with disabilities, degrades their perceived value and worth, and puts them at higher risk of discrimination and abuse.

From page 2 of the Disability Brief:


  • Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund

  • The Arc of the United States

  • The Arc of Massachusetts

  • American Association of People with Disabilities

  • Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living

  • Autistic Self Advocacy Network

  • Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network

  • Disability Policy Consortium

  • Disability Rights Legal Center

  • Independence Associates, Inc.

  • Metro West Center for Independent Living

  • National Council on Independent Living

  • Not Dead Yet

  • National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities

  • Second Thoughts Massachusetts

  • Stavros Center for Independent Living, Inc.

  • TASH

  • United Spinal Association

  • World Institute on Disability



Join Annual Disability Day of Mourning Events March 1st

For National Virtual event 4:00 pm, go HERE.

For New York virtual event: MARCH 1, 3:30pm, Register HERE.  


People with disabilities are twice as likely as non-disabled people to be victims of violent crime. Every year, the national media covers dozens of stories about murders of people with disabilities by family members or caregivers, and many more go unnoticed.

Too often, the coverage focuses on sympathy for the murderer, because they had to live with or care for aperson with a disability. The message to the public is that our lives—not our deaths—are the tragedy.

On March 1st, join the Autistic Self Advocacy Network in remembering people with disabilities who lost their lives at the hands of family members or caregivers. We will remember those we have lost and remind the world that their lives had value.

Cathy Ludlum Testifies – “Many people are hanging on by a thread.”

Cathy Ludlum

Testimony Opposing SB 88
An Act Concerning Aid in Dying for Terminally Ill Patients February 23, 2022

Co-chairs and members of the Public Health Committee:

My name is Cathy Ludlum, and I am one of the leaders of Second Thoughts Connecticut, a group of disabled people and allies who are working to prevent the legalization of medical assisted suicide. I am opposed to SB 88.

The question at hand is not whether people can take their own lives. Suicide is not illegal. The question is how many other struggling people will follow their lead, pressured by society and assisted by the healthcare system to die?

Every year when this bill comes up, I testify against it. I stand before you as a competent, creative, and successful professional who has a good life while experiencing a high level of disability.

Not this year.

The shortage of direct care workers (whether you call them personal assistants, PCAs, or home health aides) has reached a point where lives hang in the balance, including mine.

Yes, I am talking about the fact that people are not consistently getting out of bed in the morning, or must go to bed at 5 in the afternoon. Sometimes meals are skipped or other bodily needs go unmet because there is no one to assist with these critical activities.

These workers are significantly undercompensated and are leaving the field by the hundreds because they cannot make ends meet. They do not feel respected or appreciated, and the value of the support they provide has been largely unrecognized.

But in the context of today’s legislation, I am talking about the psychological impact of being severely disabled and not having enough support …for years.

Every so often, someone asks what medical assisted suicide has to do with disability. For two decades, the disability community has been pointing to the End-of-Life Concerns listed in the Oregon and Washington State data summaries. The top four concerns never change:

From the Oregon Death with Dignity Act 2020 Data Summary 1

  • Less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable (94.3%)

  • Losing autonomy (93.1%)

  • Loss of dignity (71.8%)

  • Burden on family, friends/caregivers (53.1%)

From the Washington State 2020 Death with Dignity Act Report 2

  • Less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable (90.6%)

  • Losing autonomy (89.6%)

  • Loss of dignity (74.8%)

  • Burden on family, friends/caregivers (58.6%)

Let me show how this is relevant to me and my colleagues.

Less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable — With the dedicated support of my personal assistants, I have lived in my own home for 30 years, worked, traveled, done things with friends, and basically had a great life. That seems to be over as I struggle to get enough supports. Advertising no longer produces new hires. Without enough workers, my focus every day has to be on shifting people around so I can get my most basic needs met.

Losing autonomy – My independence depends on interdependence. Technology allows me to do a few things for myself, mainly on the computer. But without human assistance, I cannot clean my house, take a shower, or get to a doctor’s appointment; much less work toward my personal and business goals.

Loss of dignity – I believe that dignity is inherent in everyone, but not everyone is treated that way. I have had to hire a number of people who were literally repulsed by normal bodily functions. Some hurt me with their words. I have adjusted so many things in my life, my home, my relationships, and my personal care that I don’t even know where I can trim anymore.

Burden on family, friends/caregivers – Everyone is going to burn out eventually. Not having enough workers, I overrely on the ones I have left. In times past, I had backup assistants, but you can’t find those now. When I cannot find anyone else, I have to rely on friends, some in their 70s, to provide care. I know like I’ve never known before what it means to feel like a burden.

I am telling my story because I want you to understand that death has begun to look preferable to living like this.

You can keep saying that medical assisted suicide is not intended for the likes of me, but it takes a lot of effort every single day to keep my body working and my lungs breathing… and increasingly I think about giving up.

Don’t believe I would qualify under SB 88? Look at the bill. It clearly points to people like me as appropriate users of medical assisted suicide.

Sec. 1 (21) “Terminal illness” means the final stage of an incurable and irreversible medical condition that an attending physician anticipates, within reasonable medical judgment, will produce a patient’s death within six months if the progression of such condition follows its typical course.

The progression of spinal muscular atrophy is death if it follows its typical course. I am almost 60 years old because I have been vigorously interfering with the typical course of SMA. When I was 35 I became unable to eat enough to sustain my life and started using a feeding tube. At 38 I was choking in my sleep so I started using respiratory support.

SB 88 says nothing about the impact of treatment on life expectancy. The public likely assumes that the lethal prescription is only available to people who have exhausted all treatment options. But this is not so. An individual may stop life-sustaining medications or technologies at any point, rendering them terminal within six months. In my case, we are talking days, not months.

In their discussion on whether people with anorexia qualify for assisted suicide, the American Clinician’s Academy on Medical Aid in Dying’s (ACAMAID) Ethics Consultation Service notes:

Mandating that the patient exhaust all possible treatments before requesting aid in dying is not in keeping with other “terminal” illnesses. For example, we allow patients with end stage cancer to forgo chemotherapy or other potentially life – extending treatments and request medical aid in dying. 3

As an Oregon official has clarified in writing, any person who becomes terminal because they do not receive treatment, for any reason (including not only refusal of treatment, but inability to pay for treatment), would qualify for assisted suicide under an Oregon-type law. 4 5

The law is best seen as a permissive law, and states only that patients must have a terminal illness with six months or less to live. It does not compel patients to have exhausted all treatment options first, or to continue current treatment. It is up to the patient and doctor to discuss disease and treatment options. But if the patient decides they don’t want treatment, that is their choice.

I am not suggesting that people be forced to accept treatment they do not want. But we must understand that populations other than those traditionally considered to be terminal (end stages of cancer, COPD, kidney failure, for example) will be affected by this legislation.

Refusal of treatments that have previously allowed people not only to live, but to thrive, should point in the direction of suicide prevention. Instead, there is too often an assumption that death is imminent and even preferable. Connecticut’s State Suicide Prevention Plan 2025 describes the challenges faced by disabled people in getting equal access to suicide prevention services. It also acknowledges that physician assisted suicide puts people with disabilities at particular risk. Please see pp. 56-58. 6

Suicide is contagious, and this is suicide, no matter how often and fervently you deny it.

I am not alone. Many people are hanging on by a thread. Maybe because of unmet disability needs. Maybe because of economic distress. Maybe from isolation and sadness.

Do we as a society want to strengthen that thread so it does not break? Do we want to make sure people who need supports (whether home care or other supports) get them?

Or do we want to create a policy that says, in effect, “ending your life is reasonable if your problems are big enough”? Given that wink of approval, some (I suggest many) will cut that thread. Perhaps not right away, but more and more as the years go by.

I am aware that there is intense pressure to get this bill passed in this legislative session. If it does, there will be plenty of time to go back later and gut the hollow safeguards it contains. This is already happening in other states.

Again, I say, the question at hand is not whether people can take their own lives. The question is how many other struggling people, pressured by society and assisted by the healthcare system, will follow their lead?

SB 88 is bad medicine, bad for people, and bad public policy. Please vote NO. Thank you.


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2 Washington State 2020 Death with Dignity Act Report

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3 Summary of Consultation concerning a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa, American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying (ACAMAID), Aid in Dying Ethics Consultation Service


4 Fabian Stahle, “Oregon Health Authority Reveals Hidden Problems with the Oregon Assisted Suicide Model”

5 “Diabetics Eligible for Physician Assisted Suicide Oregon, ” The Washington Times


6 Connecticut’s State Suicide Prevention Plan 2025, pp. 56-58