Tag Archives: aid in dying

Anita Cameron: A Renewed Call for Black Folks: Join Us!

Some years ago, I wrote why Black folks should join the movement against physician assisted suicide. I spoke of racial disparities in healthcare, the tendency for us to be poor and our lives devalued and the efforts of Compassion and Choices to convince us that we’re being deprived of a basic right. I spoke about … Continue reading Anita Cameron: A Renewed Call for Black Folks: Join Us!

Lisa Blumberg CT Mirror Op-Ed: Separating myth and reality in aid in dying

Separating myth and reality in aid in dying January 20, 2021 The virus is surging and the death rate is increasing as the already overburdened health system is in crisis. Yet, there is talk of the legislature again considering a bill to permit doctors to provide lethal prescriptions to terminally ill adults requesting them. This … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg CT Mirror Op-Ed: Separating myth and reality in aid in dying

John Kelly: Older, ill and disabled people deserve choice-promoting services, supports

The Greenfield Recorder published John Kelly’s letter opposing the Massachusetts assisted suicide bill on August 12. This excellent letter speaks for itself. Older, ill and disabled people deserve choice-promoting services, supports By JOHN B. KELLY I disagree with Joan Milnes’s call for passage of the assisted suicide bill now in the legislature (“Making a final choice … Continue reading John Kelly: Older, ill and disabled people deserve choice-promoting services, supports

Disability Activists Are Strongly Opposing Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill

Disability rights activists are working to oppose Maryland’s assisted suicide bill, SB 701, on several fronts. They are active participants in the broad spectrum coalition called Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide. The coalition has been preparing for the first hearing on the bill, scheduled for Friday, February 28 beginning at 12:00 noon. On February 17, … Continue reading Disability Activists Are Strongly Opposing Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill

Mike Reynolds: New Hampshire Bill Promotes Assisted Suicide for “Embarrassing Indignities”

Published in today’s Union Leader — Your Turn, NH – Mike Reynolds: FOR OVER two decades the independent people of New Hampshire have been solidly against assisted suicide. Since 1996, the New Hampshire legislature has studied or voted down this proposed law so many times it takes two hands to count them all. Assisted suicide … Continue reading Mike Reynolds: New Hampshire Bill Promotes Assisted Suicide for “Embarrassing Indignities”