Tag Archives: assisted suicide

Lisa Blumberg Published in Newsweek: Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the ADA

Today’s Newsweek features a terrific opinion piece by disability advocate and attorney Lisa Blumberg! Here’s a photo, excerpt and link to the whole article: Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act This summer, disability rights advocates sued California over its so-called End of Life Options Act. Under this 2016 law, assisted suicide is … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg Published in Newsweek: Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the ADA

Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act

Assisted suicide laws violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) but not in the way that proponents probably think. Some have argued that the ADA requires active euthanasia for qualified people whose disabilities make it difficult to self-administer lethal drugs, a sort of “reasonable accommodation” theory. Some have suggested that the U.S. should adopt the … Continue reading Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act

Good Old News: In Early 2023, Suicidology Group Withdrew Statement NDY Protested

In October 2017, the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) issued a Statement announcing that physician assisted suicide is not “suicide”. The Executive Summary states: “The American Association of Suicidology recognizes that the practice of physician aid in dying, also called physician assisted suicide, Death with Dignity, and medical aid in dying, is distinct from the … Continue reading Good Old News: In Early 2023, Suicidology Group Withdrew Statement NDY Protested

NY Disability Activists Hold Counter-Presence At Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Event

Alex Thompson and Max Rodriguez from the NY Association on Independent Living and Center for Disability Rights, respectively, held a counter-presence with signs opposing the NY assisted suicide bill at a press conference conducted today by proponents of the bill. They spoke with several members of the press about the dangers the bill poses for … Continue reading NY Disability Activists Hold Counter-Presence At Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Event

The Nation Magazine Features NDY & Disability Opposition To Assisted Suicide Laws

The In the News page on the NDY website links to print and broadcast news pieces that include interview quotes or other mentions of Not Dead Yet or our disability allies. The vast majority of articles and broadcasts are about assisted suicide laws. The pattern, with rare exception, is that the attention on the disability … Continue reading The Nation Magazine Features NDY & Disability Opposition To Assisted Suicide Laws