Tag Archives: healthcare rationing

As the Threat of Triage Grows, Disability Rights Advocacy Is Needed More Than Ever

On Friday, April 3rd, six leading disability rights attorneys and their respective organizations issued a statement entitled Applying HHS’s Guidance for States and Health Care Providers on Avoiding Disability-Based Discrimination in Treatment Rationing. The statement, which helps to interpret the federal bulletin issued a week earlier, was joined by over 90 organizations, including NDY. One … Continue reading As the Threat of Triage Grows, Disability Rights Advocacy Is Needed More Than Ever

COVID-19 Reveals A Deadly Failure of Priorities

With the looming and imminent threat of insufficient hospital and ICU beds, medical equipment and healthcare staff, I found myself recalling an old favorite TV show from my college years. MASH (mobile army surgical hospital) created both comedy and drama around the reality of having three operating room beds in an army tent on the … Continue reading COVID-19 Reveals A Deadly Failure of Priorities

NDY Demands Prohibition On Use of QALYs To Limit Health Coverage

Not Dead Yet is deeply concerned by the New York Legislature’s failure to protect people with disabilities from discrimination in the budget passed this week.  Despite widespread criticism from the disability community, the Legislature incorporated language in the budget authorizing the state to use third party assessments, including those relying on the discriminatory and harmful Quality Adjusted Life … Continue reading NDY Demands Prohibition On Use of QALYs To Limit Health Coverage