Lisa Blumberg: Promoting the Better Dead Than Disabled Ethos to Kids

…ity twelve times. (7) Entitled Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Activity Book, the book calls the death inducing drugs “medicine” and never uses the term euthanasia. Yet it is candid in stating that “A doctor or nurse practitioner (a nurse with special training) uses medicines to stop the person’s body from working.” The person is given three drugs by IV. The first calms them. The second puts them in a coma. The third is what does it. The book s…

Elaine Kolb Performs “Not Dead Yet” Song at CT Press Conference

…you know what it comes from Monty Python? Okay. You know, they were going around to get, picking up the people that were dead from the plague and stuff. They picked up this guy and he says, “Not dead yet.” “Oh sure you are.” “Oh no, not quite, in fact I was feeling pretty good today.” – And their CEO and New England Regional Director are our national advisors. ♪ We are not dead yet ♪ ♪ We can boogie with the best of them ♪ ♪ We are not dead yet ♪…

NDY Letter to California Governor Newsom Urging Veto of Assisted Suicide Expansion Bill

…Dear Governor Newsom: The purpose of this letter is to urge you to veto SB 380. If signed, SB 380 would eliminate critical protections contained in California’s End of Life Options Act or, to be more specific, its assisted suicide law. Not Dead Yet is a national disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide as a deadly form of discrimination. These laws deny people with advanced illnesses, who are virtually always disabled…

BBC – Liz Carr Presents ‘When Assisted Death is Legal” (Euthanasia Road Trip) Part 2

…an countries didn’t just happen – there were – and are – groups that laid groundwork for the expansion. There’s good evidence the same groundwork is being laid here. For example, Compassion and Choices has an active campaign to promote VSED – Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking – for people who aren’t terminally ill but want to die. So far, that means people who are elderly and “tired of living.” They have also gotten hospice professionals on…

Pennsylvania: Important Guardianship Ruling — Strict, Narrow Limits for Refusing Life-Sustaining Treatment

…tition would have an “ extraordinary burden” to prove that death is in the best interest of the incapacitated person. In making the decision, a court must “consider only the best interest of the incompetent – not the interest or convenience of the parents, guardians or society in general.” “[A]t minimum,” the guardian “must provide reliable medical expert testimony documenting the incompetent’s severe, permanent medical condition (or severe, perma…