All posts by Stephen Drake

RELEASE: Disability Activists Urge Georgia Legislators to “Get it Right” on Assisted Suicide

Disability Activists Urge Georgia Legislators to “Get it Right” on Assisted Suicide Today, Georgia disability activists, including members of Not Dead Yet, reacted to the Supreme Court ruling that overturned a 1994 law on assisted suicide on First Amendment grounds, calling on the Georgia legislature to tackle the issue as soon as possible and “get … Continue reading RELEASE: Disability Activists Urge Georgia Legislators to “Get it Right” on Assisted Suicide

Georgia: Court Strikes Down State’s Half-Assed Assisted Suicide Law

This is not exactly unexpected. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday unanimously struck down the state’s assisted-suicide law, finding it violates the free speech clauses of the Georgia and U.S. Constitutions. The court’s ruling means that four members of the Final Exit Network do not have to stand trial on felony … Continue reading Georgia: Court Strikes Down State’s Half-Assed Assisted Suicide Law

Blog recommendation: Smart Ass Cripple on being “A Burden to Society”

There’s new blog entry from Mike Ervin at Smart Ass Cripple.  The Smart Ass is no dummy.  All of the Republicans vying to be president are talking about the sacrifices that must be made by Americans – except for the gazillionaires who have millions stashed away in Switzerland, the Caymans, and other sheltering locales,  Mike … Continue reading Blog recommendation: Smart Ass Cripple on being “A Burden to Society”

The Onion: Brain-Dead Teen, Limited to Texting and Rolling Eyes, to be Euthanized (SATIRE)

I love The Onion. I’m pretty sure that the writers aren’t taking a position on euthanasia here, but doing what satirists do best; they’ve taken a well-known, overused, emotionally manipulative and predictable script – and then twisted the context. I apologize for the lack of captioning, but I couldn’t pass this up. If there’s a … Continue reading The Onion: Brain-Dead Teen, Limited to Texting and Rolling Eyes, to be Euthanized (SATIRE)

Update on Philadelphia Transplant Denial to Girl with Developmental Disabilities

I’m happy to share updates on the apparent case of disability bias in a situation involving the denial of a transplant to girl with developmental disabilities, which we reported on earlier this month.  First, I received this email message from the managers of on January 26: Hello followers:Over the course of the last … Continue reading Update on Philadelphia Transplant Denial to Girl with Developmental Disabilities