Category Archives: death by starvation and dehydration

Lisa Blumberg: Denying Access to Food and Water Based on Disability Status

It’s Faustian – giving a nondisabled or slightly disabled person a chance to deny themselves access to food and water if they become significantly disabled and have resulting functional impairments. End of Life Choices New York, a leading supporter of legalized assisted suicide, has developed an “Advance Directive for Receiving Oral Feeding and Fluids in … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg: Denying Access to Food and Water Based on Disability Status

Lisa Blumberg: A Classic Case of Lethal Denial of Medical Treatment Based On Disability

Trisomy 18 is a genetic condition that usually results in physical health problems and cognitive limitations. Life expectancy is currently shorter than typical but people can live into their 20’s and 30’s and one American with trisomy 18, Megan Hayes, celebrated her fortieth birthday with fanfare. Unfortunately, it seems that this information has been slow … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg: A Classic Case of Lethal Denial of Medical Treatment Based On Disability

Guest Blog by Cathy Ludlum: Better Dead Than Fed? NOT!

We in the disability community have a stronger appreciation than most people of the opportunities technology can bring.  Power wheelchairs and vans offer us mobility.  Voice-activated software and screen readers unleash the power of computers.  Environmental control systems allow us to manage things around the house, like opening doors and answering the phone. But some … Continue reading Guest Blog by Cathy Ludlum: Better Dead Than Fed? NOT!

Why I Support the CRPD

This past week, the U.S. Senate voted to proceed with consideration of U.S.ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).  With a two-thirds majority required to move to the next step, the cloture vote was 61 to 36, with 3 not voting. Not Dead Yet has not yet formally … Continue reading Why I Support the CRPD

NDRN’s Report Should Serve As a Call to Conscience for Health Care Providers

The recommendations contained in the National Disability Rights Network’s (NDRN)report, “Devaluing People With Disabilities: Medical ProceduresThat Violate Civil Rights,” constitute nothing less than a call to conscience for health care providers who are withholding life-sustaining treatment without consent from people with disabilities who are not otherwise dying. Sometimes this is done at the request of … Continue reading NDRN’s Report Should Serve As a Call to Conscience for Health Care Providers