Category Archives: health disparities

Anita Cameron: Provide people with disabilities supports to live, not tools to die

Provide people with disabilities supports to live, not tools to die (Guest Opinion by Anita Cameron) Published: Apr. 08, 2022, 8:24 a.m. by By Anita Cameron | Not Dead Yet Anita Cameron, of Rochester, is director of minority outreach for Not Dead Yet, a national disability group headquartered in Rochester that opposes assisted suicide … Continue reading Anita Cameron: Provide people with disabilities supports to live, not tools to die

NDY Letter to California Governor Newsom Urging Veto of Assisted Suicide Expansion Bill

September 23, 2021 Via Email The Honorable Gavin Newsom Governor of the State of California State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Urging Veto of SB 380 Dear Governor Newsom: The purpose of this letter is to urge you to veto SB 380. If signed, SB 380 would eliminate critical protections contained in California’s End … Continue reading NDY Letter to California Governor Newsom Urging Veto of Assisted Suicide Expansion Bill

Lisa Blumberg: The Little Known Issue of Medical Deportations by Hospitals

A 2021 report prepared by the Free Migration Project and University of Pennsylvania Law  Students entitled “Fatal Flights: Medical Deportation in the U.S.”  is eye-opening and shocking. Usually, when one hears the frightening word “deportation”, one thinks of governmental action, officials dragging people from their homes and sending them out of the country. With medical … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg: The Little Known Issue of Medical Deportations by Hospitals

Wrongful Death & Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Filed In Michael Hickson Case

June 11, 2021 By: Andrés J. Gallegos, Jennifer M. Sender ROBBINS, SALOMON & PATT, LTD. SEEKS JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL HICKSON, FILES WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT AGAINST ST. DAVID’S SOUTH AUSTIN MEDICAL CENTER & ITS PHYSICIANS Robbins, Salomon & Patt, Ltd. (RSP) on June 10, 2021, filed a multi-count wrongful death lawsuit against St. David’s South Austin Medical Center … Continue reading Wrongful Death & Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Filed In Michael Hickson Case

Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will

I am tired of reading stories in the Mirror and elsewhere that minimize or hardly bother to mention the strong opposition to Assisted Suicide legislation that has been successfully spearheaded by Second Thoughts Connecticut and is embraced by many progressives and other disability rights activists. The slick and well-funded marketing campaigns of the Hemlock Society … Continue reading Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will