Category Archives: treatment withdrawal

Why I Support the CRPD

This past week, the U.S. Senate voted to proceed with consideration of U.S.ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).  With a two-thirds majority required to move to the next step, the cloture vote was 61 to 36, with 3 not voting. Not Dead Yet has not yet formally … Continue reading Why I Support the CRPD

Diane Coleman’s Plenary Remarks at Adv. Care Planning and ‘End of Life’ Conference on May 31

Editor’s note: Diane’s plenary remarks included the use of PowerPoint slides. I don’t have access to these, but have included links in cases where people might want more information and/or verification.) Plenary Remarks at ACPEL Conference – May 31, 2012 I’d like to begin by presenting a CASE STUDY. It’s a true story, as told … Continue reading Diane Coleman’s Plenary Remarks at Adv. Care Planning and ‘End of Life’ Conference on May 31