Update from the Front in DC – ADAPT at McCain HQ!

…cCain campaign to agree to support the ADAPT housing platform. Updates and news are at www.duhcity.org. A group of ADAPTers, under heavy police watch, also visited the Democratic Party Headquarters and invited Dems to visit DUH City at HUD. Hope to get pictures and more pictures later. Will update in this post or in a separate one, depending on my mood. –Stephen Drake UPDATE! Same sources as above: About 100 activists have stormed McCain’s office,…

ADAPT Visited Congress Yesterday – 50 Arrested

…and other institutions. He repeated that promise for months, and we kept trusting his word, and then one day he suddenly says he can’t help us. We were also working with him to get funding that pays for segregated housing redirected to support integrated housing and more vouchers. Sen. Frank arranged a hearing on this funding, and not only did he not invite any people with disabilities to testify, he didn’t even notify us about the hearing. So, t…

Painfully True Humor from The Onion

…ction until it is far too late. Although the cruel bureaucratic disorder does not discriminate, statistics have shown that senior citizens, young dependents, and those woefully underemployed are most at risk. “I can’t tell you the number of patients I’ve had to deliver the bad news to over the years,” said Haige’s longtime family physician, Dr. Howard Silverman. “It’s never easy to look someone in the eye and tell them it’s going to have to be out…

Update on Woodstock Nursing Home Deaths – IL DPH Issues Report

…pervisor, was charged with multiple count of neglect and two counts of obstruction justice. No homicide charges of any kind were laid against either woman. Now that we’re in NY, we’re a little out of the loop when it comes to Illinois news. Thanks to Dick Sobsey at the ICAD blog, we now have more information – from a report issued by the IL Department of Public Health. Here is one item lifted from the Chicago Tribune article on the report that is…

Update: Haleigh Poutre and the Strange Priorities of Massachusetts Legislators

…ble irony, the case took enough time to allow Haleigh to improve. In fact, news reports that she was awake and responsive emerged just one day after a judge approved the removal of Haleigh Poutre’s feeding tube. If you’re looking for a hero in this story, you can stop now. There aren’t any. And, under the radar, the legislative response is far from encouraging. Back in March, for example, almost no coverage was given to the inaptly named “Haleigh’…