Canada: New Pro-Euthanasia Group Misinforms — and Doesn’t Want Anyone to Know Much About Them

…nfo on the website) doesn’t really want anyone to want to know just who is running the group or how to contact them (aside from a general info email address)? Well, for starters, maybe no one wants to be held accountable for the misinformation that is published on the website ( or deal with any awkward follow-up questions. –Stephen Drake Addendum: Alex graciously gave me a cred for the heads-up on this, but the only reason…

Hawaii – Robert Yagi Dead, and Assisted Suicide Advocates Continue to Exploit the Tragedy

…sted suicide/euthanasia advocates to exploit this case. Shortly before the news of Yagi’s suspected suicide became public, the Honolulu Advertiser published an article which focused on a debate in which some individuals see this case as highlighting a need for more services and support for families facing serious illness. On the other side of the debate are advocates of legalized assisted suicide and the major spokesperson is an interesting choice…

More on Canadian Pro-Euthanasia “Awareness” Campaign – from Alex Schadenberg and Toronto Star

Earlier this month, this blog shared the news of the emergence of a “new” pro-euthanasia group in Canada and its “awareness” campaign via faux “memorial plaques” (stickers, in reality) on park benches in Toronto. At the time, the person or persons behind the group was a mystery. Not any longer. According to the Toronto Star, it’s the pet project of a couple of advertising professionals: The stickers are forthright in their message, dreamed up by…

NBC Dateline: “A Matter Of Time” (Ruben Navarro)

…ons just hanging. First, though, it’s probably most important to share the news that not only was Dr. Roozrokh exonerated by a jury, but Ruben Navarro’s mother now sees him as someone who did the best he could in a bad situation. From the transcript to “A Matter of Time“: After the trial, the California medical board, which had also launched an investigation of Dr. Roozrokh, quietly withdrew it. And Rosa withdrew her lawsuit. And this is rare. Her…

Presidential commission bodes ill for people with disabilities – Mike Ervin in “The Progressive”

…reate a commission on how to cut so-called entitlement programs is ominous news for millions of people with disabilities. In January, the Senate rejected legislation endorsed by Obama that would have created such a commission. So in his State of the Union address, the president said he would create a similar “bipartisan fiscal commission” by executive order. Obama stated that his commission will be “modeled” on the one rejected by the Senate. If h…