UK: Director of Public Prosecutions Publishes Guidelines on How to Get Away with Murder

…very sick and they were ‘asking for it’. In which case, judging by recent news and the killers walking free among us, you get freedom and national hero status. Now we will all have a neat little guide to help us kill our loved ones right.. to CPS standards. State approved Assisted Suicide Kits aren’t available, but then, it takes time to organise given how many hundreds of thousands of very sick people must need their family’s ‘help’. In a late a…

ADAPT – and NDY – Celebrate Community First Choice Option in Health Care

…the health reform bill passed by the House and signed by President Obama: News Release For more information, contact: Mike Oxford, (785) 224-3865 Bob Kafka, (512) 431-4085 ADAPT Celebrates Community First Choice Option in Health Care Reform ADAPT, the national cross-disability grassroots group, today celebrates the inclusion of the Community First Choice (CFC) Option and other long term care-related provisions in the health c…

Fifth Anniversary of Terri Schiavo’s Death – A History Lesson

…n said it provided an opportunity to showcase what he called Republican intrusiveness in the lives of Americans. This is far from a complete list of those who promoted a revisionist history of the Schiavo strruggle for their own political ends, but it’s pretty representative. On the right and the left, both bet on the same revision of history – that the battle over Terri Schiavo was a chapter in the “culture wars.” In the end, it would seem that H…

The “Right to Die” Expands Into New Territory

…om the fevered imagination of the reporter involved. The same is probably true of the Delaware story. Still, I have to wonder if this will catch on. It really sets off my weird-o-meter to have two stories like this so close together in time. There is a certain grim logic to it and it could be carried even further, I guess. In 2007, I engaged in a debate on euthanasia and assisted suicide with a professor at Washington State University. During the…

Yesterday’s Joke Becoming Today’s Reality – Death Row and Assisted Suicide

…nted that the author had an “overactive imagination.” Well, here’s today’s news – from the state of Oregon. In fact, it’s from Portland Tribune reporter Peter Korn – the same reporter and same paper that exposed the Oregon Board of Nursing as a sham – that consistently protected the jobs and licenses of nurses over the health and welfare of patients. This latest story is titled Three Needles. Six Minutes. The End. Excerpt: T. Allen Bethel has met…