Connecticut: Superior Court Judge Dismisses Suit by Assisted Suicide Advocates

Good news from Connecticut – Superior Court Judge Julia Aurigemma has dismissed the case brought by two doctors – with heavy assistance by Compassion & Choices (C&C) – which sought to decriminalize physician-assisted suicide through the courts. Specifically, C&C, in a bold move, sought to have the court sanction “aid in dying” as a separate entity from “assisted suicide” – and therefore exempt from any laws against assisting in a suicide. Judge A…

Connecticut: No Appeal in ‘Aid in Dying’ Case

Good news and appropriate headline from the Hartford Courant: No Appeal in ‘Aid in Dying’ Case I’d like to think that the editors at the paper used the scare quotes on purpose. Superior Court Judge Julia Aurigemma consistently framed the term that way in her decision to dismiss the case. The article gives an indication of why it’s extremely appropriate in covering this case: The plaintiffs in a lawsuit aimed at making it legal for doctors to help…

Associated Press Misreports German “Right to Die” Court Decision – and Issues Very Belated Correction

…week after the original misreported story was distributed to tv and radio newsdesks along with newspaper desks – the AP issued a “correction,” and taking a week to do that falls into the “too little, too late” category. FWIW, here is the correction, which probably hasn’t been read or reported in every venue that the original article was featured: Correction: Germany right-to-die story The Associated Press Friday, July 2, 2010; 2:17 PM BERLIN — In…

More Bloggers Remembering Paul Longmore

…short drama “Transients” will be dedicated to him. Pat Bauer at Disability News wrote her own obit for Paul and shared some links. doozeedad, who I gather had the great experience of being one of Paul’s students, shares her own reactions and fond memories – and shares a couple of links as well. That’s pretty much everything I have found so far. I still intend to put together a post of NDY-related references and material by Paul, but it will have t…

NDY Attorney Anne Studholme discusses Betancourt Ruling on WHYY

…upport from other medical organizations – sought to have the trial court’s ruling overturned. Since the court ruled the case moot due to the death of the patient, the trial court ruling stands. Anne’s comments are at the end of the piece. Comments from family attorney Todd Drayton are included, as well as remarks from Thaddeus Pope. Anne Studholme’s comments: Attorney Anne Studholme represents a coalition of disability rights organizations led by…