John Kelly’s Testimony for Second Thoughts MA Opposing DC Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

…to these warnings. We can simply point to the proposals and statements by true believers at home.   A broader agenda was revealed by Oregon law co-author Barbara Coombs Lee last fall at a Connecticut forum. As the online journal CTNewsJunkie reported, “Coombs Lee also said the [Oregon-style] legislation would exclude people with dementia and cognitive declines, since they could not make the choice for themselves. ‘It is an issue for another day bu…

Five Things a “” Author Really DIDN’T Know About Assisted Suicide

…ted suicide unnecessary. B) Patients have no right to cheapen the value of human life by seeking help in ending their own. C) Physician-assisted suicide is the first mossy flagstone on a slippery slope to officially sanctioned human depravity, sliding into the pit of involuntary euthanasia for persons with mental illnesses, physical handicaps or any characteristics deemed unsavory. D) Any physician who assists in a suicide violates the Hippocratic…

Diane Coleman’s Response to Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death Online Survey

…tp:// . Response to Question 6: Again, please see public comments on the nondiscrimination regulations under the Affordable Care Act. These comments are available at ….

The Problem of For-Profit Health Care Includes Long Term Care Services

…ing in 1990, he used his business knowledge to oppose our civil rights and human rights mission. The NYT article to which Willging responded focused on a growing trend involving the purchase of nursing homes by large private investment groups which are not subject to the disclosure requirements of publicly traded companies. After examining data available from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the NYT analysis showed that thes…

Taking Credit for Kevorkian’s Ideas: Prisoners and Organ Harvesting

…f access to condemned prisoners for almost three decades. Admittedly, his crusade wasn’t limited to organ harvesting, but embraced live human experimentation as well. All anyone needs to do to confirm this is to check the Amazon listing for Kevorkian’s “Prescription: Medicide,” published in 1991: (From the 1991 Publishers Weekly review on the Amazon page linked above) Kevorkian gained notoriety last year when he performed the first publicly acknow…